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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Elvis? Who?

4 replies

So i’ve spend the last week in Bulgaria, Sunny Beach. The hotel were we stayed at played swedish music all the time. Everything from Magnus Uggla, BWO, Arash to Abba.

And one day, they actually played Roxette! It was DBU. But they only got to Dangerous when a ***king kid came with a new cd. “Hey play this instead!” And the music was some american guy named Elvis Presley. Since when did this Elvis guy become bigger then Per Gessle?


In the cdshop down there I found Mazarin.. Okej?

chances are it wasn’t a “new” cd lol

Pretty cool for not a Scandinavian country :) I mean, there are countries closer to Sweden where Mazarin never saw the light - not even in a second hand shop.

Hi from bulgarian fans ;-))
I hope you like Sunny beach .
Even in communist times lot of swedish people visited our country.So i guess some of bulgarians who works near beach know and love swedish music . Anyway is good to know our efforts wasn’t in vain,cos Mazarin isn’t available in Bularia.
But because of our endlees ask it available for cheap order and seems that lots of enlightened ;) music-store owners who recogniced the real KUNG ordered the cd :-)))))))))))))

Best wishes

great job, indeed :)


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