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is this legal?

8 replies

Don’t think so...

I think it is, but I’m not sure. You have to register if you want to buy the songs like on most legal donwloadshops. It’s 0.10$ for a song, that’s ok i think, isn’t it?

Who cares, anyway? But it’s better having the real CD in your hands. I don’t like iTunes or stuff like that. The real CD will be the best, ever.

Why do you hate itunes?
I like it cuz my mp3 player from Trekstor uses that software and I think it’s good!

erwwetiran this site is legal you just have to click on one of the albums and then it will say 10 cent per song!

Of course not, you can send this link to EMI and ask them. You’ll see ... LOL


Do u already have the original CD’s, and in addition you bought the mp3 files on iTunes? LOL!

Well I live in a place where those sites are the only legal mp3 sites!


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