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20 replies

who is the better band, roxette or gyllene tider? from strictly a music point of view. i adore them both and am a bit on the fence.



Roxette’s music seems to have a higher quality and more femine side than GT’s does. GT seem to opt for a more live sound which is what that band is about. Roxette spend more time in the studio, making sure everything is perfect. Obviously the more femine side comes from Marie’s influence. I normally listen to Rox more, but I do love GT’s albums.

Now if you were to say Per or Marie solo, in my opinion I prefer Per by a long shot. Just prefer his overall style.

Gyllene Tider is nicer to me. Especially after the 90’s songs.

I’ll put it this way: I just love everything Per writes. And most of the time, I like his own version best (when he’s singing himself). It doesn’t matter if it’s Grape Rock, Gyllene Tider, Per’s Garage, Per Gessle, Roxette, Gessle, Lonely Boys - It’s all great!

Concerning language I prefer English (manly because I understand that, and swedish lyrics still remain a bit of a mystery to me ;) ).

Definitely Roxette. I’m not that keen on Gyllene Tider. I have all the albums, but i’ve only listened to them a handful of times. I’m more of a Roxette/Marie solo fan. I dont think its the music itself....probably the GT music is as of just a high quality, and its not the language either, as i can listen to Marie’s swedish stuff. I just think that I prefer Marie’s voice. I dont mind a few songs with Per singing on a Roxette album, but i find his voice kind of monotonous and uninteresting after a while. I think it lacks a bit of passion and feeling.

i hate topics like this , does this look like a GT fan site oh dear ! ! ! its a roxtte fan site .

well lets see gyllen tider as a band tried to make it in the usa under the name roxette an bombed, in terms of content roxettes music has a broader appeal, and well i don’t need a translator so roxette wins

nice comments....thank you all for replying. very interesting views, i’ve been milling it over in my head and think it depends on what mood i’m in. however i think roxette embodies everything i think makes a proper band. per is my hero....plain and simple. =)



it’s a Roxette and related site

Gyllene Tider get thumbs up from me, apart from the fact I’ve been as fan as long as I have Roxette, I only play Per’s stuff and Gyllene Tider.... I can’t remember the last time I played a Roxette album....

Im tired of Gyllene Tider. I just listen to Puls sometimes becuse I love some songs there.But Roxette is much better!

Yep everything Per does is just GREAT it may sound pathetic but to me it’s true :P

I never listen to GT or their solo stuff. I dont even like TWATG.

I agree with Arlanda! :)

Interesting subject especially to revisit all those CD’s.

GT have alot of ’energy’, for Rox the whole of Joyride still sparkles for me in different ways from Joyride to a thoughtful Perfect Day. Some of Look Sharp has not aged so well.

Different Gessle is great on different days/moods - that’s music for me and why it gets underneath you.

Yea - I just like his stuff!

Though question,

Per writes most of the songs for both Roxette and GT. It is clear he is a great songwriter.

I like both of them extremely much, but Roxette is and will always be my Nr. 1, although GT is a very good Nr.2 for me (very close behind Roxette).

It depends also a bit on the mood I am in, which music I play.

I am more into the up-tempo songs than in the slower songs, although Roxette has a few great ballads.

1. Roxette
2. Gyllene Tider
3. Per Solo
4. Marie Solo

Arlanda is 250% right! :)

Rox or GT? I love both of them, it’s a hard choice for me, mostly depending on my mood. During the last year i choose Gyllene Tider more often. GT have more energy and enthusiasm in compare with Roxette. Rox music has a higher level and is more various than GT’s but at the same time it is more smoothed (except PoP). And I always can find a Roxette song that fits to my state of mind. Also along with my GT preference, recently i started to listen actively to Marie’s stuff, to fill in the missing feminine part I suppose.


PS - I’m sure if you trawl the archives we’ve had more controversial ;-)

ooh, shall i think of a more controversial question??!!?? >) i suppose i should have put highly debatable instead of controversial.....


tam question. Marie ain’t in GT, lol!

no doubt, I love them both, but it is Gyllene Tider who tops it :) For some reason, I prefer Per singing in Swedish, GTs songs are this happy-go-lucky type, catchy, summer-like and they really rock. So, Gyllene Tider is my number one.

However, life wouldn’t be the same without Roxette and their beautiful ballads, with a touch of sadness provided by Marie - So far away, Never is a long time, Cry - to name just some. Roxette songs are one of a kind, not to be replaced by any other group in the world.
Then comes Per with breathtaking Demos - my all-time fave or fresh Mazarin. All things considered, that’s a fantastic top 3, isn’t it? :o)


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