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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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LEIPZIG 6th Oct. 2001

61 replies

Hello everyone,

I´m looking for some (audience-)recordings from the concert in Leipzig 2001. My girlfriend and I met at that concert and fell in love there. so it would be something special for me to get a recording of that concert.

I started a topic like that some time ago. But I don´t give up the hope to get that recording one day...

By the way: We will get married on 8th october this year!!!!

I do have the whole Leipzig concert; I recorded it right at the place. I actually wrote you some months ago but I dunno if you got my message, did you?

You are lucky ;)

Congratulations, Galning. :)

@Mary: Could you send me a copy from your recording ??

[email protected]

Thanks. (-;

Awww how sweet!

Here it is for everyone interested:

The link expires in 5 days or after 20 downloads.

thank you mary, now I am unloading it...

I’m also downloading it at the moment.

Huge thank you for the link :D

File has reached the download limit of 20 downloads.:-(((((

Not working for me!

can you upload it here? (it is free) I would like to have it too, rapidshare is better, when no one download it for 4 weeks it will be removed.

@shine: Isn’t that file a little bit “too big” for rapidshare ??

So sad it isnt working anymore I would love to see this concert as well ....

never seen non of the rs conserts me, such a shame as from pics and sounds seems fab.

@crashroxer: You can upload 50MB, as a rar zip it should be smaller or cut it with rar zip in parts.

If you like, i can upload the file on my page
I have unlimited space and traffic.

If someone could send me the copy i would upload it :-)

Would be great, RoxyJane!

@shine: o.k. (-;

@Mary: WOW, that´s great!!!!

No, I didn´t get your message some month ago! Was it an eMail?

I can´t download it from the link you wrote down here. Is it too big for sending in some eMails? I think so... how can we find a solution for that problem? I will send you an eMail this evening...

If somebody has the file and if it’s OK that I upload it on my page, send me an email to

[email protected]

Yeah, Mary, where are you !!! ???

Sorry, I was away the week from the 21st until now and I’m finally back checking this discussion. I see for many people the link didn’t work anymore so I’ll probably split it into more parts and try to upload to RapidShare or send it via E-mail song by song to those interested. Galning, if you did write that day I’ll get to it later now; I have surely looooots of messages to check; LOL!

I’m really interested and wouldn’t mind to get the cocert one by one :)

Hi Mary,

thanks for answering. Maybe you could send it to someone who can upload it on his private homepage. I think that would be the best solution....

Hi Everyone!

Just to let you know, I’ve got a private webspace of 600MB with a hosting company. If the file exceeds this size I’ve also got a private FTP with PLENTY of space. Just reply or give me a mail if you want to use one or both.



Exactly, Galning!!

Rox-obsessed, the complete archive has about 98 MB so that would be alright for the website. Which way would be the best to send it to you first?

Hi Mary!

Thanks for the quick reply!
Please check your mail!

For the others: As soon as the files are transfered I will make them public on:


Hi everyone!

The concert is slowly coming in on my server.
I promise I will link the files to my website tomorrow evening (GMT+1).

So note in your agenda that is the place to be tomorrow evening ;-) :-)


Fantastic news, THANK YOU!!!

YAY Thanx :D

Hi everyone!

The concert is available online :-)
Just follow this link:

You can download each song separately by clicking on the icon on the left side of the song. At this moment the files are on my private server which is connected to my DSL connection. So the speed is not to fast when many people are downloading. Next week I will move the concert to my new domain. I will pass you the new link at that time.

Happy downloading and ROX-ON!


Thank you! I already started the download!

I´m so happy to get that recording! And my Girlfriend will be happy!!! I will give it to her the day when we will be married. That´s on 8th october. Or maybe on the 6th october - because at that day we are 4 years together...

So if someone reads that topic who is also a member of the german page PLANET ROXETTE: Don´t tell it there...

My girlfriend already asked: “Did someone answer to the Leipzig-topic?”. I said: “No, as usual....”

WOW!!!!! Thank you very very much!!!!!

Great show and GREAT audience!!

How many people have joined the download - now ??

Thank you! Oh I love it!! The quality is great! (except the less talented “singers” near the mircrophone *g*) But it’s realy great! I especially like WICF. Never noticed this “uhuhuhuuhuuhuu” :-) somebody is singing at 2:31 / 2:32 before (probably Marie. Not sure....) It’s only 2 seconds long but sounds cool somehow.
Thank you so much!

Oh it is so great ! I was born in Leipzig and it was so special when Roxette have been here. I did enjoy the show there so much !
Now I can listen to the “crazy” people every day !
It’s really great !

Thank you soooooooo much !!!!!!!!!

Thank you! I already downloaded yesterday evening :)

It’s Marie who sings this “uuuhhhuuuhhhhuuuuu”.

Anyone knows, what Marie done during YDUM ?? You can hear the screaming crowd in the middle of the song...

Thank you for uploading! :)

now, that’s what I call nice :D Thanks for sharing! Cool to see the RS recordings list growing :)

@Mary: Where did you stand in the concert? I thought I heard myself and my girlfriend talking something. But I´m not sure. Maybe I have to listen to it with headphones...

Yeah, the quality is (for an audience-recording) very good! I was surpriced!

I always asked myself why there are no professional recordings released... In 2001 they told that they recorded some shows (only audio, no cameras) “for later use”....

I’m downloading it... Thanx a lot!

I could it burn it on Cd yesterday night. It takes some hours to download the songs but it’s worth it, because it is real cool !!

Thanks a million !! It was a night to remember !

oh my God, I just go crazy when Marie is singing “I am making love to you, and you and you, I’m making love to ALL of you” !!! It’s sleeping in my car. And the people just go crazy !
Woah, I just loooove that !!

I’m just looking for the recording from the stuttgart & freiburg show .....?!

Is there any chance to get a live recording from the zurich gig?

OH, that would be GREAT, too!!!!!

From Zurich I have only “The Look” and from Freiburg “Little Girl” but at the moment I don’t have the CD’s with me so it might take some days till I’ll be able to make them available. From Stuttgart I have the first two songs plus the intro but I guess that was on Roxbytes at that time so everyone most likely has it.

freiburg and stuttgart would be great ! does anyone have the concert from Hannover 2001 ? I am searching for it ! I have some others to trade.

I’ll take anything ;-)

Thanx for the concert!


“The Look” from Zurich ??

I’m very interested (-; #

Where did you get it ??

I got it in a CD exchange with a fan from Sweden who seems to have almost everything! I’ll see when I get back to my regular place where most of my stuff is, then I can make it available.

You could download the look from Zürich 2001 here at TDR some time ago, someone upload it.

Really ??

Oh yea, I found it. It was a thread already from 2002 but the link was still on, which is no longer available.

I’m sure he has the full concert from zurich!!
Where can I found him ??

Okay, I found it here it is:

Klick on the link and than scroll down and chose Free, scroll dow and wait a few secons (it is also writen there) and than the Download link apear.


@Oliver: Please mail me

[email protected]


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