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R2R Forum Down?

171 replies

Does anyone know if the link has changed for R2R?

The above one is not working and has not been for 3 days now, I know Jorge mentioned he was changing to a new server but he did not expect it to upset the forum, was wondering if something went wrong there?

I can’t see a server change affecting the website address?

maybe the IP hasn’t propagated yet? it is weird because it should not take long, if u are lucky 2-4 hours.. but before I couldn’t access the URL at all, not it shows the folder structure..

ops, site is online now :)

Everything works fine for me :) The site is really faster :):):)

@ally77 Haven’t you received e-mail from Oldiesmann? He told that the forum is up!!!

By the way, it’s strange that you hadn’t been able to use Run 2 Roxette forum in 3 days... I couldn’t access it only yesterday.

I cant open r2r

I can not either :-(

had the same problem as ally...wasn’t able to open r2r for days already...thinking it was my comp :P

got the e-mail from oldiesman as well this morning...but nope...still not working! :(

i also got this email, but the link does not work. i am missing it ! need help ! :-(

The DNS-servers of your providers probably still don’t have the new IP (meaning you’re trying to access the forum on the old server and not the new one)- try using instead of in the meantime, that should work!

Oh, and don’t try using (at least for now), you will end up on a different “version” of R2R and your post won’t show up for people using!

Everything is working fine for me.

I can’t get in either. On either of my computers.
Says page not found. :(

@ AURYTE, yup three days… Friday, Saturday and today = 3 days….

I have an email now in my hotmail inbox….

Nope I still cannot get on, although I am not really bothered...

have a problem with this site. can the page not find.
what is the new adress?

The adress did not change! I can´t open it too. Hope they fix it soon.

Could access the site yesterday evening via but now, I am ending up on a site with a link to the forum - but cannot access it at all...

I got it to open okay. Not that I’m registered, but thought I’d throw my .02 up here.

Still does not work for me....

Again, everything works fine for me, but it’s so empty there... Almost no users online :(

@starrox: that isn’t working for me either....

@auryte: guess you’re one of the lucky ones & lots of others still can’t get in!

well...i’m leaving for SE will only try again in almost 2 weeks :D

Enjoy Sweden Saar! :)

you can also change the HOSTS file.. but I guess it’s easier to wait - it works for me anyway

I’ve given up, no big deal, I need to spend less time online! lol

It works again for me... :-D

Not for me.

Still can´t open it! :(

Still down here...

Does someone had an email for Jorge who can access it so I can let him know...

That is the addy from the email I got that forum is online again. [email protected]

Contacting Jorge won’t help as this isn’t a problem with R2R itself, but with your ISP! You probably will have to contact them and tell them to get their a**** in gear and have those snail-like DNS-servers updated ;-)

Ummm I can’t see what my ISP will do.... I have no problems with any other sites I use, just this one since his update...

its working now!

Still don´t work for me :(

I thought were living in 2005?

@ally77: And that’s exactly why your ISP has to do something: the DNS-server basically “translates” the letters - in this case - to numbers (the IP I mentioned on the first page). Since Jorge switched providers, the IP of R2R has changed and now all DNS-servers need to get the new IP for you to be able to access R2R, something that still hasn’t happened in your case...

Well it was working for me yesterday, but it isnt today, so god knows what the problem is. I’m not too concerned though, i prefer TDR these days

Found this instruction how to change the DNS Server(in german) , don´t know if I should try it. Don´t know if it is dangerous or I can crash my internet conectin?

Dangerous? Crash your internet connection? No, not at all, you shouldn’t even notice a difference! (Except for being able to access R2R again, of course, if the DNS server you use already has the new IP ;-))

Than I just need some alternative DNS servers, do you know some @ Starrox

weird...its working again for me now. Was it just down for a couple of hours this morning?

Could open it now again but some sec. later it wasn´t possible again to open it. ??? Sch...Technik!

whats the new url?

The URL hasn´t changed!

Well it’s not our ISP, it’s the change over according to Jorge. It should have only took 72 hours but there is a problem and they are working on it. They think it has something to do with it being a .ar address...

so keep trying folks...

Strange, it doesn’t work anymore

if it hasn´t changed give it to me because it says attempt to......... when i try to enter

Still off!!!

Its not working again for me. I can get in one minute and not the next. I have no idea what is going on with that site

yesterday it worked for me, now it’s down again!?!?

Still not working for me and I get my connection from NTL which is easily one of the UK’s biggest providers.

it works fine for me.. for some days already :S

Still nothing here for me!

doesn’t work here :-(

I have changed my DNS server now and now it is working again. Well think you have to change your DNS server too if you want to enter the site! The whole thing is very stupid!

Please can someone tell me how can it be that EVERYONE has problems to enter the page, over whole europe?

I’m in Austria, no problems here ;)

Still down, it’s been a week now.....

The address hasn’t changed, but now we’ve got an alternative one. Try getting through this:
It should work, otherwise we’ll have to wait a little longer.

strange indeed, it doesn’t work for me... >:-(


Troubles from Switzerland... I mailed to the Admin... Hopefully he can tell me what to do... I haven’t got a clue how to change the DNS and if I really have to do it.

well there is obviously some kind of f*** up. I cant access it at the moment, but no doubt i will be able to in a couple of hours, because my access has been working on and off for the last few days.
I’m not going to change my DNS server for the sake of one website. I can access every other site i want to without doing that, so i dont see why i should have to do that in this case. If i can’t access R2R its a shame, but i’ll live with it.

I agree with Neil, I am not changing anything neither for the sake of one site.... all my other sites work okay, so I really don’t see how suddenly the fault is here when there are a lot of people having the same trouble with it.

I’ll live without it.... TDR had the news anyway....

Yesterday I tried several possibilities to access the site. I even managed once (via a search engine, I think, but I cannot remember HOW I got there *rollseyes*). I don’t manage to change the DNS server and, in all honesty, I have to agree with the people above me that it is too much hassle to access just one website. Any chance that the R2R guys can get it fixed? Or is it just a matter of time? *has no clue about such stuff for being a PC blondie*

Well, I got a response from one of the Admins... He says that he’s going to find out why some people can access and some can’t. And what more, he says there’s no need to change the DNS...

He gave me another URL:

Maybe this works for some of us...

*edit*: It does for me...

I managed to get in once in the week. But nothing since then.
I like R2R. But I’m not pulling my hair out trying to get on. doesnt work for me either

Neither nor work for me. :(

Funny, I could access the forum once yesterday. Now no more. Does this server provider not like us?

Neither of them work for me!

That one is working at the moment.

not working for me

Nor me

Tried “refresh”? (several times)

I have Problems 2! ergh

and still not for me, also not from work! :(

This is too funny!

Yesterday, the link above worked. Now I cannot access the site, neither from work nor from home.

What IS it?!?!?

It worked for me from work later this afternoon, so try the same link at home and it worked for me also! :)

Jorge sent me an email and said to go through: The Main Site

or I find this works also....

Hope it works for others now as well as me!

It’s really strange i could enter the forum yesterday but today i can’t even see the website....
I’ve tryed changing the dns servers but nothing happened.

Nope, still doesnt work. I can get to the R2R site through but not into the forum still.
The 2nd link doesnt work at all

This is so strange, I’ve only been away from my PC an hour, and now I can’t get into the forum section neither....

Okay a brit giving up!

Now this link works for me.... I went through the main R2R page, and went through Italy and foro link!

no, still doesnt work for me...strange...i was able to access it a couple of times when noone else could, and now i cant get in at all

I almost wish they had not changed the server... ::)

Now I can sometimes access it, sometimes I can’t which is a vast improvement on the past 10 days....

There’s no problem with the ISP. I managed to send Jorge an e-mail and fortunately he mailed me back. The new server is the problem. They probably will change the serv again. I hope so.

2 hours ago, all worked perfectly for me. Now I cannot access the site anymore. This is hilarious...

no chance either! :(

Still the same here for me, sometimes can access, most times I can’t....

it’s starting to annoy me now, I guess that’s sad, but it’s just frustrating. The best I can do is get this for a few minutes at a time, but it won’t let me any further

I had that several times, too, Zaine. Today I could suddenly access from work. No way from home.

This is annoying...

I had that too Zaine a couple of days ago, now it works from work no worries, not as though I have much time to post there, but still no access at home via any of the links I have been given!

No chance as well :’(

I can get into it from my friends shop, but i feel a bit weird surfing it from there
I hope they can sort things out, it seems a bit weird to take so long...?

None of the links on here are working for me this morning :-(

No problems for me :)

and no access for me from work earlier today neither....

oh my. i came home from my two-week-holidays a few days ago and can’t access the forum since then. so annoying! :( i really miss it, esp. what do we have in common. ;-) since i didn’t read all the replies here, is there any chance it will work again?

It worked for me before I had dinner but when I logged in afterwards I couldn’t get into the forum... It’s going on and off... Maybe we should inform the Admin again about our problems... It’s really annoying

The latest news from Run To Roxette: they’ve installed that gallery thing.

I can’t get in, i just get that anoying mesage saying that no server was found check the url. It’s been like that since they changed the server.

This is still not working for me from home..... I don’t want anyone is doing to resolve the situation! but it seems to be taking a longgggggggggggg time.....

Can´t visit that page. Sooo bad the thing with the new server!

Nope none of the links I used last week work for me from the office nor home... I think we can say R2R has gone forever...

oh no! :( i just made it to the front page but when i wanted to enter the general discussion the server wasn’t found. too bad!

I don’t remember if this link has already been posted, but here it is:

Seems a lot can get to the front page, but then that’s about it!

nothing is working for me. :-/ I am missing the forum !!!! :-(((

well, i made it to the general discussion just a few seconds after my post here. i even managed to answer a few topics but right now... no chance. i really miss the forum too, i wonder if it will ever work again?!

It seems to work for me every 2nd day... Strange, strange, really :-/

Again I could load it at work, only this afternoon! but from home no chance.... I can’t be doing with that, even I can use or I don’t bother...

I was able to get in for 30 minutes last Saturday, since then I’ve never been able to get into any of the pages of R2R. I really miss it, and I miss reading people’s posts there ( “what do we have in common” thread and many more). And the people there too of course (many are here too then, but not all)

Ummm I am surprised Jorge has not logged on here and explained what the problem was.... I am sure he is registered as a R2R member....

Hi everybody, I read this topic everyday to know if the problem is fixed.
As someone said here the problem is that for some razon all ISP are taking a lot of time to update the new DNS information. Other argentinean webmaster told me that he had this problem too, his site took around 20 days to start working normally again, seems that the problem is with the “.ar” domains.
I really hope this got fixed soon :-


Not working for me!

Worked for about half an hour a day or two ago (from home). Managed to access from work. Doesn’t work from home right now.

When was the server changed?

Still not working today....

@ Jorge, it seems people can access from work but not from home.... that is so strange!

fingers crossed it will be up and running soon!

Well, I’d bet that simply has to do with the fact the ISPs used in all those companies are faster then the ISPs people use at home (probably because commercial customers pay way more money and thus are much more “valuable”) and already did was Jorge wrote on R2R:
“It’s not a server problem, the problem is that the ISP aren’t updating the DNS, anyway, it should start working without problems soon.
Seems that the problem is that my DNS is a “” and all ISP take more time to update them.”

No doubt it will get sorted soon....

If you speak german here is a instruktion how to change DNS Server:

For Win XP:

For Win 98:

For Win 2000:

List with some DNS Server Numbers:

In English:

Good luck!

And if you got a wrong server and you see absolutly no pages try the same way and change it to back to your old server, select DNS server atomatic ( have XP and this is the standart option)

Doesn´t work for me!

Still nothing, even at work!

no chance here either... :(

ARG! >:-(

I find this whole thing so comical! lol

At least its more original than most of the stuff on tv ! :)

Oh no, am watching Trauma! :) I like that

I can access Run To Roxette... Anyway, I hope all the problems will be sorted out :)

Been having problems not only from home but also from work now. ::)

I am getting so annoyed with it now, but I don’t know why it’s only a forum.... I CAN live without it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Same here, Ally - but it would be more fun WITH it...

Cannot access r2r at the moment... Yesterday i could and thought the problem was already fixed :-/

^^^ that link don’t work for me!

No ??

@crashroxer:Marie’s beautiful pic that you put in r2r, is of my humble collection... (the pic was extracted in the concert that gave Roxette in Velez Sardfield/Argentina 2/3 of May, 1992)

That pic is AMAZING. I have to thank YOU so much.
Did you have more from Rox in Argentina ??

This forum is just hacking me off now.....

@crashroxer:(these pic’s of my country, they are original and I them have along with others, for more than 14 years that collected folders and albums, from my 11 years of age, up to nowadays that I am 24 years old) ... and I hope to collect much more... i love rox

do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do do be do

it still ain’t working....

Still nothing... Is it working at all?

It does work and is accessible - if your PC/internet connection/provider lets you access it... :S

it doesn’t work for me neither! GRRRR

kiss Niky

i had an email from Jorge saying there is nothing we can do except sit back, wait, and hope that it fixes itself

I have no chance of getting access at home, but sometimes at work it’s okay, but 95% of the time it is not, and I don’t really have the time at work since I started to actually take lunch away from my desk! :p

Still nothing this topic go on forever!

I have access now from work, but still nothing from home....

Could access from work once but a little later that day, I couldn’t access anymore...

This is better than playing lotto... ;)

it still does not work for me either. :-(((

and no access at work for me!

no access at work, at home, at my boyfriend’s home... it’s hopeless!

It worked for me from the uni that couple of times i accessed from there. Still no access from home :(

the hosting provider can’t be so professional/good if they aren’t able to fix this. Imagine important .ar domains would block out any traffic from abroad :S

I suggest getting an American or European hosting company..

I am also sure the forum relies on people clicking the adverts to pay for it.... I think this forum will not be around much longer seeing as people cannot get into to support it or click the adverts....

Accessed it now for the first time from home!

Urm not working for me either!

@Judith, it’s an american company :-

Tomorrow we will move it to the old server, I hope that helps, it more slow but at last it worked for everybody ;-)

:P I thought the server was located in Argentina. Anyway, I never heard such thing before.

Some companies block some IP ranges when there has been a DOS attack or something, but not for that long period or time :S

I can get on the front page only sometimes, and then no chance of going further!

Dare I say this but still nothing.... no access at home or work....

Am thinking it might be better for Jorge to scrap this forum and create a new one, I am sure we don’t mind starting again! lol

Still nothing, so much for the server being changed back!

Was able to get on till about 30 minutes ago but now says doen for a few days will let us know when back up again.

Yes it is down.

says the following:

Due to all of the DNS problems we’ve had since switching to this new server, we are moving back to the old one. The board will be offline for a few days, but you will get an email when it’s back up.

To ally: It’s because it only lets adminstrators log on, no one else can until they fix their site, peace. :D

@ roxcyn

Yes I see that message, although it was not there when I posted the previous one....

I hope changing the server works...

well it seems to finally be working

not for me :(

It only seems to be working with this link:

lol. Looks like i spoke too soon. Well at least it WAS working last night!

oh my. that new link works. i’m excited! ;-)

I found it working again this morning.... yippee!

It’s working again - yippiee!!!!

Yeah it’s all still working here.... :)


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