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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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GT DVD Delayed?

12 replies

Nooooooooooooooo I can’t wait another year....

Just noticed this did not make the front page! the FC beat TDR!

LOL! I ask myself, who will still buy it after this long time after the tour? Only some hardcore fans! The hype ist gone til then.......

BUT all in one GOOD JOKE!

Whats the bloody point in releasing it 2 years after the concert happened.


I’ll buy it! just to see topless Per in GOOD QUALITY! :)

Why should it take that long?
I mean, If it were only some fans/amateurs were making the DVD, I can imagine it takes a lot of time.
But I may assume it is done by professionals.
They should be having the skills to do it in a reasonable time (release this summer).
Or is EMI (Every Mistake Imaginable) here also involved?

lol well maybe they don’t want it to be as bad as some editions of the video rox compilation dvd :)

WHAT???? terribly bad news! but I wanna trust in the Per´s words. he said: the dvd will be out on the next summer of 2005. maybe we can get news about it on the ending of july or during august. I really hope!

We can but hope....

Wasn’t it already delayed to come out right before christmas?

The first plant releasedate was Jan/Feb ? 2005.

Well I’m just gonna forget about it. Remember, this is a release that Per never really approved of anyway, so maybe these delays are not so unexpected. If something comes in the future then great, but otherwise I’m not gonna waste time expecting or waiting for it.


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