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Google earth: where does Marie Live????

15 replies

Today my partners were trying the new google tool in which you can see satelital pictures from different cities around the world.. I wonder how I can find Per’s house, Marie’s house, Tiss and Ass’ studio, etc..

for more information:

please post locations and I’ll look for them

Tits’n’ass is one thing...I would call satellite pix of P & M’s houses stalking.....

@arnie You can find pix of Per’s villa and Tits & Ass on the net!

@Sparvogamarie: Satellite images are not like a webcam. Any image with enough spatial resolution as to actually show an individual house will not provide a temporal resolution as to stalk anyone, unless we’re talking about military satellites, which we are not talking about here. Moreover, the images in that Google Earth I think are not updated, if they were it would cost much money. If someone wants to actually “stalk” using satellites, you can order SPOT satellite images... each scene costs around 2000 € and they provide you with enough spatial resolution... but in any case you could get one each 2 days... So “stalking” them for a month would cost you around 30000 €, that is more than what many people earns in one year and you’d have only 15 images, provided that when the satellites orbits right over Stockholm there are no clouds, that’s it.

This is not like in spies movies, if you consider that “stalking”, then a single photograph (Camera photograph, satellites don’t take “pictures”) is equally a stalking device.

@Arnie: For knowing where T&A studios are, you can listen follow the instructions provided in Gyllene Tider’s song “Harplinge”. Just find the airport of Halmstad, which is to the west of the town and follow the road (Kustvägen) westwards. The studio is before you reach the village of Gulbrandstorp.

Remember the song say, before getting to Gulbrandstorp that:
“I just denna kurva Har MP haft bekymmer
Följ hans historia och Styrdal far förbi
Där spelas det musik
Ett myternas Mecca Men glöm det för en stund
Du är på väg mot ljuset

Ett myternas Mecca is T&A studio...

About their houses, I don’t know, I’ve never been interested. I can tell you that in Stockholm Per lives in Strandvägen and Marie somewhere in Djurgården. If I’m not mistaken someone said on TDR that Per lives in the same block as some embassy or consulate, I think Sri Lanka. You should not have any problem to find Strandvägen, if you need a map of the place try with for example.

Nice geographic research!

Yes Santi I’ve used the program...I found my house in Sweden and you can see it in remarkably sharp detail. You can even see cars and stuff like that. I don’t think either Marie or Per would particularly like fans peering down on their houses, especially Marie who is so private.

I have issues with that whole thing to begin with anyway

Am I the only “civilian” that sees this as a step towards the loss of privacy / liberties / and what ever else my government decides to deny me some time in the future?

Yeah Little Spooky I was creeped out a bit when I realised I could see my house in Sweden in almost perfect detail (my town in Australia comes up fuzzy). And as Santi says if you pay you can have really close shots in good detail...imagine how close the government can see!

Did anyone with dail-up try the program... God i’m so bloody curious!!!

If not, is there anyone that’s got a few minutes to do a search for me & make some screenprints? Please contact me via email!! Thank you in advance!!

I like that....

My area.... not the exact place but you get the jist!

Oh yes I like that, will have fun with that!

Hehe now me know where Ally stay!! Pitty there’s so few countries to choose from tho!!

Where can I find Marie’s Town in Spain?

this really is the stalking thread. What does anyone really seek to achieve other than invading their privacy by obtaining their addresses?

I mean, C’mon!!!

@Kathrin: You can probably find it in a map! :DDDD

haha! it reminds me to an episody of The X files (season 9) called: -they are watching-, it sounds chilling. I don´t like it, I think. LOL :D )


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