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Roxette's most "arguable" albuns beings now...

7 replies

used for their titles on other artists albuns ... Bryan Adams with “Room Service” and Bon Jovi “Have A Nice Day”, I have always said the more we spend time arguing about these 2 records the more popular they will become and now look at this their titles are now also on someone’s records ... who will ever use titles like “Joyride” or “Look Sharp!”? So far noone ... lol

I think it’s lame for rox fans to jump up and down about this. Room Service and HAND are pretty ordinary titles, it’s not really surprising that other people have used them. Also let’s face it, they weren’t exactly chart topping albums that everyone has heard of so I doubt very much that Bryan or Bon Jovi had even heard of them before.
There’s also a jazz album called Room Service btw.

I’d love to see another Joyride on the shelf! In fact I am surprised it has not been used again longggggggg ago!

“Look Sharp!” is borrowed from Joe Jackson, and I haven’t heard him complain. Also many many Roxette song titles are borrowed. The line “Any similarities with already written songs are purely coincidental” on “Pearls of Passion” was put there just because most of the titles already existed...

I wrote a song titled “Don’t Bore Us - Get to the Chorus!” about 9 years ago now. *shame*

But it was crap anyway, so don’t expect to “ever” hear it. :P

Tev is right, plus Joyride was taken from a Paul McCartney quote, CrashBoomBang was a line from Elvis, so Rox can’t accuse anyone of stealing their titles!

I think another Dance Passion.... a compliation album of all that crappy dance music around nowadays....

joe jackson had an album named look sharp before roxette


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