The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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per is hot

4 replies

my name says it all anyway what is with no one likin silver blue that is a frickin good song theres not enough words to describe it. it got four stars when the rest got five :( per is fabulous in that song especially when he says smile :) marie on the other hand is way better in that song then in the whole have a nice day album thats what i think per sounds way better then her in that she went downhill with her voice on there but luckily she sounded better in room service well better not keep braggin on


someone archive this.

Perishot why don’t you use this topic to say what you think about Per? :

let people post what they want and do not complain about everything all the time.

@ LaMan That’s rich coming from you...

Ermmm I like Silver Blue, I think it’s a great song! :)


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