The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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I wouldn’t say so.
Have seen it many times before...

it is indeed a nice one... I’ve never seen it, not that that says too much.

i wouldn’t say it’s rare since it’s on wikipedia(.de). it’s really nice

Like Marie’s badges/pins :P

Nice pic! I want year 2001 again!

I’d never seen that one before. Marie looks gorgeous *sighs*

I did saw it once. Marie looks great! :)

Oh my gosh! Per looks great! That´s exactly how Per should look, blond hair! So handsome!

is a beautiful pic that always impact from the moment in which I saw her for the first time!

Anyone knows where it was taken? Millesgården maybe?

SWEET pic!!

Marie looks AMAZING!!!

i love roxette 2001 me aswell :-))

santi: Munich, Germany 2001.

Marie looked so happy... ;(

I miss 2001 too. I love their HAND and RS pics, that was the best time in style.

Yes, I miss Roxette and their great concerts!!! Why must happend it!

WOW, i love this Pic. Per looks great. WOW


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