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He's got the look-question

20 replies

Does anybody know who (Per or Marie) sings this funny part “Käre Rolf” in “He’s got the look”? I mean the ones with that very high voices...
I just discorvered that song, pretty funny!

It’s Marie.

Sure? I find it pretty hard to decide if it’s a man or a woman!

It sounds like per though...
Tev, are you sure is Marie?

mm if anybody sends me the mp3.. i’ll have a listen :)

can I have the mp3. wont play my lp

Mabye you can send it to me too ...hope :-)

I so love this track! :)

I want it as mp3

I can’t swear it of course, but it’s her dialect.

just click:’s%20got%20the%20look...

Can you tell me sth more about this song? for example about it’s genesis?

Caddy - definitely marie, no doubt about it.

Hej guys, I can send it to you tomorrow from the university (better internetconnection) if you still want it and haven’t downloaded it yet. Send an e-mail to [email protected]

it’s Marie, 100% sure.

Definitely Marie!

edit: wrong spelling

Actually it’s really hard to tell, but it must be Marie.
And I really hope so too..

Marie, that’s what I always asumed

To everyone who e-mailed me: I’ll send it to you tomorrow, I promise! Have fun with that funny song!

Now I agree with Tevensso. I heard that part again and again and again and it seems to me that’s Marie. It’s the way she speaks the “r” in “käre” and “Rolf”.

Marie, no doubt.

What is this song about? What do they say and sing in Swedish?

I think it’s Marie, just from the way Per calls ’heeeey’ after each time. i think it’s clearer to hear on the second one than the first.


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