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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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New tour

16 replies

What are the chanses that Roxette will make another tour?

If they would, in what country should I see them?

Not so good! :(

It’s very unlikely since Marie is still sick! You might have a chance of seeing Per in the next few years, but it doesn’t look good for Roxette or Marie!

I think in 2007 or 2008 promo tour or live tour. But it´s very soon to talk about tour or new album. We must only wait and to be patient.

In 90s Roxette had one long break too. CBB came out in 94 and then HAND in 99, and they went on tour after 6 years. But in that time Marie was not ill and they were younger. It´s very difficult if Roxette will continue or not. I hope yes, at least a new studio album.

I don’t think it will ever happen again....

Maybe they should give a goodbye concert like Crowded House did. I think Roxette as a project deserves a good end.

I think like Ally... Will probably never happen again... unfortunately!

Never! Only in your dreams.

or at least some ”goodbye to touring concerts”, but marie said roxette were a live band. ? !

If any tour happens, it’ll most likely be in Europe. And most probably not including the UK region.

So impossible small live tour is not in 2007 or 2008, for example till 8, 10 concerts. I think. I know a lot of singers who had a cancer and now they go on tour again, for example Anastacia, Kilie wants to go on tour too....We will see..We must be optimists but it´s difficult for me.

When Roxette won´t continue so I am sure Marie will continue with her solo carrer. I think Marie can´t imagine that she would do nothing till end of her life!

If it happens, it will be a European tour. It all depends of Marie’s conditions, if she can go in a tour. And we don’t even know anything about Roxette future...
Personnally i think the chances for a new tour are very small. Maybe there will be some small performances of a couple of songs but nothing more.

Is difficult that they do a new tour, (I hope visit some country of sudamerica to be able to see them in alive again).

I don’t think that they will ever tour again, at least not like in the past!

if they won’t it’s a pity, really, I have never been on a rox tour so if they won’t have another tour I’ll be a bit disappointed :( but of course, they are not so young now, and marie has not so good health and everything... But even if it’s not so sure I really hope that they’ll have a tour sometime again, and none of them has said “roxette is finished” yet.


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