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18 replies

i mean marie´s song , it wrote by her? who is the marvellous guitar solo player?? I´ve discovered it recently , and it´s amazing... i love it!

It’s a cover of a song of Joni Mitchell if i remember it right, Marie liked her a lot.

Anyone know where I can download this song?

what album does this appear on?

I have it - just give me your email and i’ll send it ;)


Please, could you send me that song?

[email protected]


Is it going to be all right if I also entreat for this song?

@alexandre & IPPIE: just sent it


Thank you so very much!!!

I’d be extremely happy to receive the song too.
Any chance...?

@sandyam Just saw your post. Will send it tomorrow, ok?

@sandyam I sent it to you to the address in your profile but i’ve got a failure notification :( Just did the second try. It failed again :((( So i sent you one more mail, this time with the link.

Anyone have the lyrics?

With some changes in the marie-version..

Tack :)


I like it but the original is better

yes it is..


Thanks for trying!
I found out it’s something with my emailaccount.
It doesn’t accept such large files.
Thanks anyway!


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