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greatest driving song

27 replies

Hi there,

BBC Top Gear (a big UK programme that reviews cars etc) is looking to find the ultimate driving song.

Would be great if we could all vote for a Rox song...

Personally I have gone for SIMC - I love it to drive to, but vote for whatever - I think if they get a load of Roxette nominations they may be likely to say something on air...

cheers, OWID

I’ve voted! Yeah, let’s all vote for SIMC... it might then get nominated :-) Nice one... Rich

Voted for SIMC too!

BTW SIMC = “Sleeping in my car” for the clueless wonders!


btw for those of you that can watch BBC2 - and enjoy car programmes (!) (luckily coming from a sports car PR background I do) Top Gear is on BBC2 on Sundays at 8pm methinks.

I prefer ’[I love the sound of] crashing guitars’ but to support you I’ll vote SIMC :-)

Mmm... Top gear was on BBC prime last night tho... not that i bothered watching it!!

well to be honest I think that they are more likely to mention songs that have been released itn he UK - and whilst I would love to have nominated She Doesn’t Live here Anymore (and understand why you would want to vote for ILTSOCG) ...I decided for SIMC cos it was a relatively big it in the UK. but thanks for the support...MJ :o)

I prefer Madonna’s “Cherish” to drive. It’s just fun! My nicest driving memories are listening to that song on a rainy day in a mountain road... soooooo cooooool. I love it :D

I’ve voted SIMC to!!

Clarkson likes Roxette (if its him that picks the music) as some Rox tunes have been on Top Gear and related programmes b4.

I personaly love the programme LOL and SIMC would be a good choice, it has to be a song that makes you ’put your foot down’ every time you hear it in your car. ;)

wouldnt JOYRIDE be better to vote ?!

I would have said Joyride... but I’ll go with the rest of you and vote SIMC! :)

ye i did that also ally

So Roxattack is back?

OK I’ll vote for it too :P (But I also prefer Joyride from Roxette for driving.

By the way, I like TopGear also ;)

The best driving related songs of roxette are off course:
- Sleeping in My Car
- Joyride

I’ll be a deviant and admit I voted for Cocteau Twins - Cherry-Coloured Funk. ;)

The best one for me (coming from Per) would be: Ande i en flaska

i’ve already seen an episode of top gear (roughly 5/6 years ago) & simc was played.

“Love Is All” was playing when I saw Top Gear last... thankfully the driver did not fall asleep :S Rich


i remenber that was the song that was on the radio the first time i drove my car (really no kiding:P)

When will we get the results???

KEEP ME WAITING!!! It probably sound pathetic, but every time I take my car somewhere, that song goes on =P

@auryte - guess we will knoe the results at the end of the series - not sure when that is yet...will keep you posted.

@ onlywhenidream: :)
By the way, I’ve voted for Sleeping In My Car. Though I really hate driving...

just to drag up the topic

thanks to everyone - and just to say, whilst I also think that Joyride would have been a great song to vote for also, for me SIMC would have been the best..or even 7twenty7 or SDLHA for a driving song.

Thanks and keep up the voting. x

this is the final chance to vote - at the moment Meatloaf is at the top fo the chart - with a Bat out of Hell. Roxette wre not in the top 5 or so...but they didn’t show the whole list. Keep on voting... cheers

I don’t care what wins aslong as its not MeatLoaf! and they all said the same on the programme LOL


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