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CBB memories

9 replies

In that time I had not internet and it was a bit harder to have a new informations about Roxette than now. I bought all magazines where there was a Roxette. I listened to radio and TV more. In that time was written about Roxette much and much, many articles, photos, posters etc. These materiales I have it till the present day. I knew a new Roxette album will come out in april 1994. One evening I listened to radio and suddenly I hear a new Roxette single called Sleeping in my car. For the first time I didn´t like song much but later yes. Now I think it´s one of the best Roxette song. In april Crash! Boom! Bang! came out and I ran to the shop to buy it. I was 16 years and one month old. It was fantastic album! The best Roxette album!! I loved Fireworks the most. I heard it and saw it over and over again!!!! And then CBB tour! Two concerts in my city! I couldn´t believe it! How concerts were you know... REALLY FANTASTIC! It was a great time for me.... Thank you Marie and Per!

I was a fan for three years before the release of Sleeping.... and I still remember the performance of Roxette on TOTP in the UK, brought tears to my eyes.. :)

I remember a saturdayevening watching MTV-fresh.
Suddenly there was Marie with this very-short haircut, out of the blue, Didn’t know there was a new album on it’s way and there was Sleeping in my car.

Next morning I phoned a friend of my out of her bed to make her tape the re-run on sundaymorning early.

A couple of weeks later there was this Roxette-weekend on MTV, C!B!B! was just released and they showed even a Marie video from DSR and Pers Garage. Video’s with Per and Marie as VJ’s and Unplugged, rare stuff etc. I must have som e tapes lying around with all this material. Yep, those were the days!

i didnt hear sleeping in my car until it was released to american radio since it wasn’t ont he mcdonalds compilation, it was thier fastest radio climing single since joyride but once the album got delayed it disappeared . i rember every sunda morning my whole family would be up waiting listening to casey caysums top 40 on z100 waiting to hear where the song would end up , i miss that so much.

i dont remember , i was to young really, Im a fan from HAND :-D , although i went to see super mario bros 3 times with my brother , still like it lol.

I Remember that Time 2!
Back then I was about 5 or 6 Years old!

I always liked “Almost Unreal” as a child.
My older sister got DBUGTTC on cassete in the Uk, but then she lost it lol.
Newayz years later IMHBL began getting MAGIC and VH1 airplay which inspired me to download Almost Unreal - I only had 56 KB then and it took me just over an hour - my dad had banned me from over-using the internet. I burned the Cd just before he came back!

A couple of years later mi sister brought home “The Ballad Hits” and I “Borrowed” it - I still have it today lol.

there wasnt a video from DSR played at that mtv weekend
atleast not the 1 I recorded in 94

I guess the people at the Free-Record Shop in Drachten still have nightmare’s of that Roxette-fan that keeps on asking if the new Roxette-album already has arrived!

No! It arrives around the 10th or 11th of April!!!

O yes: The Roxette-weekend on MTV:
Ready to hit the “Record”-button on the VCR to tape the video’s.
Still have that video, with some nice live-performances of Knockin on Every Door.
Has not been released on DVD (as far as I know).

Nice memories!

C!B!B! along with HAND are my favorite albums. But there’s an unfortunate association for me for C!B!B!

My mother died not long after I got Favorites From C!B!B! I still can’t listen to Go To Sleep without that coming to mind, even if only a little. A shame. It’s a beautiful song I think would have become one of my favorites were it not for that.

Aside from that, I remember being in a grocery store around that time and hearing the jangle of the guitars from the title track and thinking how cool and uncool it was to hear Roxette there. A friend of mine worked in the meat department, asked to borrow the CD so he could hear the song he was hearing several times a day. He didn’t really like it.


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