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Song obsession

32 replies

Sleeping single, when Marie sings “..I’ll die for YOU”. It gives me sort of a thrill.

When I was only 13 , I remember the first time I heard Come Back (before you leave), I don´t know why but I felt that time like a shockwave hitting my senses.When the son got to the chorus for the first time, Marie´s voice rose with special and vibrating power.That was a magic moment , and his effect was lasting in my mind during many months..Have you ever feel something like that with a rox track? I mean something really special ! ;)

Almost Unreal ! Everytime I hear those three guitar chords in the chorus I light up! I’m only 17 now so when Almost Unreaa was big in the Uk (93) I was only 6 ! It was my favourite song even before I sought out the group behind it !

crash boom bang.....i was at college and had no car i couldn’t get to a mc donalds to get favorites from cbb. so my brothe rplayed it for me over the phone, i think i sat sieltn for like an hour after that, the sound was so unexpected so naked and stark i was amazed

i have/ had this with almost every Rox-song. I think that depends a lot on the volume you listen to Roxette. it is at it’s very best LOUD and with a lot of bass (try it with high quality headphones!!!). then you can hear that: there are some moments in Rox songs, where Marie’s voice has this very very special vibration... (as mentioned from Permaniac above), and for me THATS really Roxette. I miss these moments on Room Service (and kinda on HAND, although I love many songs of both albums).

my fav Rox-“ear-orgasm”-songs: (sorry moderators ;-) )

- things will nbts
- imhbl
- excited
- paint
- flaf
- ltyh
- salvation
- dressed 4s
- spending my time (still: THANK YOU PER & MARIE FOR STARTING TO PLAY IT IN STUTTGART 2001!!!)
- cbb
- ... uh, the list could be very long ;-)) almost hurts to talk about Roxette songs ;-) I want them so much to come back.

R o x e t t e 4 e v e r !

When I was about 10 years old I used to listen to ’The Look’ live, on Tourism every day without fail. Since then, no.

Even though I do not listen to it that much, the song “Surrender” gives me a thrill.

my fav Rox-“ear-orgasm”-songs: (sorry moderators ;-) )


the first roxette’s music i listened were ’it must have been love’ and ’listen to your heart’ in 1995,b-cos my mother love these, about me, (believe if want) I hated,so a day she bought greatest hits-2000 and i loved ’wish i could fly’ not so much but it was the first roxette’s music i liked.In january 2003 she still bought ’B&P hits’ and when i heard ’Salvation’ principally in the chorus an in the part wich Per sings i simply traveled to other planet,i flew,and felt a tinhg like if his voice is touching me in this,it was incrible and also today i feel this sansation,the best wich a music can makes in you

Opportunity Nox I think... It’s fairly rare that I like songs first up, or get carried away replying them over and over but it happened with that.

I felt the same thigs about Come back(BYL) .-.


I had a strange feeling, when I first heard “Never is a long time”. It felt as Marie was sitting or standing right next to me. Her voice is so clear and “naked” in this record... I played it a million times afterwards, but never got the same feeling again, but I still love it, it’s very touching...

I felt that magic sensation when I listened to:

Voices - When I bought the re-release of “Pearls Of Passion” and I first listened to the chorus of that song, it really touched my heart! I don’t know exactly why, but I felt like I already listened to that song a long time ago and a good feelling came back again!

Vulnerable - It’s a pearl. The way that Per sings it, the violins... When I listen to a song, I like to pay attention to the melody. And, this one is so wonderful... It’s the kind of song that needs a instrumental version, in my opinion! It’s a music that I play loud...

Queen Of Rain - My ears never get tired of “Queen Of Rain”. The oboe sound, the Marie’s voice, the chorus...

For me, it’s several songs, but to narrow it down:
Almost Unreal
You Don’t Understand Me
Here Comes the Weekend

I remember the first time I listened to “Do You Wanna Be My Baby?”. I got the single as a present on my 15th birthday. Back then I didn´t have the internet, and wasn´t as up to date on what happened in the Rox-world like I am these days. I had heard that Gessle was releasing a solo-album - but getting that single totally took me by surprise.

Anyway, I remember loving that song the first time I listened to it. I mean, it was (and still is) a great meoldy. I loved the drums in the intro, Pers “rocky” voice, the guitar-solo, EVERYTHING.

Usually when I first listen to a Gessle song, at list in the later years, it has been like this:
First listen - OK or What???
Second listen - This sounds good.
Third or fourth listen - LOVE IT!
Both “Tuffa Tider” and “HKAK” would fit this reaction.

My obsessions

The sweet hello the sad goodbye
Shadow of a doubt
Knocking on every door
Things will never be the same
How do you do
You dont understand me
Looking for Jane
A thing about you


Just to name a few...

Turn to me
Pearls of passion
Go to sleep
I’m sorry
Queen of rain
Pay the price
I was so lucky (demo version)
my ultimate ->> Sleeping in my Car (demo)

Only one in common :(

It’s so hard as I like em all... but those are some of my favs....

It was The Big L for me, so obsession I taped it from the radio and made a 90 minute tape of it because I could not afford to buy it... my mum got so hacked off hearing all day that she went out and bought me the Joyride album! :)

When a friend copied some GT stuff for me, I became obsessed with them and my faves where Sommertider and Billy! :)

ok, so mine are:
Shadow of a doubt
Things will never (joyride)
Sweet hello
Crash boom bang
Wish I could fly
It hurts
Every day

oopps! forgot Almost unreal

Queen of rain,also Come back before you leave and Voices althought know i don’t listen to it very much, i kind of like it in the begining!And when you think that i like roxette for only 2 years!

Jep, with some songs I did have that kind of feeling, especially with ’It hurts’.

“Keep me waiting”. The “oooh”:s in the background in the chorous is just... magic!

My orgasms came with ’The Look’, ’Spending my time’ and the ’See me’ Dietrix remix.
Was good as well with ’June Afternoon’, ’Almost unreal’ and ’You don’t understand me’, but i was bored of these last songs after hearing them for twice.

Does it have to be a Rox song? Cos I went nuts for Marie’s ’Så länge det lyser mittemot’ the first time i heard it. I had to play it over and over, even get up early just to hear it again. Still love that song.

The Sweet Hello...

man i love per any song with per im all over it

(i could never) give you up
knockin on every door
the big love (hes soooo hot in that clip)
dangerous (who doesnt)
how do you do
silver blue looooove that
june afternoon
real sugar yeah

na i could go on 4ever

You Don´t Understand Me
I´m Sorry

right now SLEEPING IN MY CAR. What a dynamic track.

you don’t understand me

the rain

almost unreal

and so many more.

in the early 90s: Queen Of Rain and Joyride.
Now: anything.


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