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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Per at Liseberg

19 replies

I was at Liseberg today and saw when Per get Lisebergsapplåden. I get his autograph and I´m so happy!!!!!!!
Anyone here who was there????

He is soooo handsome in is new hairdo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How is his new hair do? Oh please say it is like CBB days!??? please say yes! please!!!! :s

@Rox1_4 ever You were so lucky:). Tell us about his new hairdo.

Thanx for the picture!!

so what did the event look like, did Per make a long thank you speech? Was there much time for autographs and pix taking afterwards? Did he mentioned anything new about the upcoming solo album? And finally, maybe some of you saw him on Friday night when he was at the concert? Cool to get some news, so tell us!

I can see the picture but I can’t see any revolution in Per’s hairdo, what is this new hairdo of gessle??

i think he looks a bit like an older version of peter jöback now ;) [on the pix at]

You can not really see that on this picture but it is longer than before and darker...He doesn´t say so mutch he just say that it was fun and that Gyllene Tider played at Liseberg in 81...after that he come out and write autograhps..
Wow, I love the pictures on

LOL Joyrider, I thought the same when I saw the pics :D

@Max-Tob:thank you very much for the pic :)

What is Liseberg?

Oi, nice pictures! ;-) and of course nice interview as well... :-D

The pix are just fantastic! =)

Per looks so sexy!!!!

As I said on the other topic which got closed.... nice pictures of Per! :) looking as good as ever!

Yeah, Per looks fantastic:)
Liseberg is the amusement park in Gothenburg, as I understood.

@Judith: *no comment*

Does anyone know which songs Per performed at Liseberg?


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