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Sleeping 7Twenty7 Mp3 remix!!!

13 replies

Sleeping 7Twenty7 (No Time for Fireworks, Joyride’s or a Crush)

I woz bored an a little sick today so I stayed off from college. I made this and thought maybe it was worth sharing.
What do people think? - I was proud of some bits more than others but still...

I really like it! :) GOOD WORK!

well done i like it alot :-)) , which program did you use to do it ?

MP3 Audio Mixer
Very simple to use too!
Yay, glad people like it - the bit I was most proud of was the transition from 7twenty7 demo - studio version and that to Crush!

Thanx a lot for sharing :D

Yep, great work! I really like it.

I like it too.-. hope for some more

omg. do you admire this?

what a crap!

a few songs mixed into one. what is this all about!?

i dont get it. maybe its a joke?

@Jackeill - it may not be overly ambitious, but it’s worth a listen - let’s not be rude about it or anything :P

yeah, but i thought it’s a remix. it’s not a remix, these are 4 [or 5 i dont remember] songs gluead into one. i can do such thing in 5 minutes.

remix needs an idea. this one is really boooring.


@Jackeill. Why are you being rude about this. It’s meant to be a bit of fun. It’s not like it’s meant for chart success.

Lighten up a bit!

rude? hey, that’s my opinion! nothing else...

Wanna be like that then, eh?
well “what a crap!” doesn’t make any sense anyway!

If you can do such thing in 5 minutes, please, do it and show it to us. I wanna hear it and let you know my oppinion about your “masterpiece” too.

It’s easier to have an opinion about someone else’s work than do somthing by yourself... If you are so skillful, show us your work.


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