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MF Live in Uppsala, 1992

26 replies

Is anyone able to download this concert as featured on ’s MP3 archive? I’ve been trying for MONTHS & even tried mailing the webmaster without a reply! I’m not sure if it’s my firewall blocking me though... gosh i’m dying to hear those tracks!!!

If you are not sure about your firewall: turn it of for a moment and try it then.

Hehe... I’m not THAT blond!! It’s with my ISP! *cries*

Maybe you can mail your ISP?
Or am I now too blond?

Urm... it’s a corporate server; i doubt that they’ll lift the firewall for me if i tell them that i intend on using this connection to download some songs.

So i guess by the sounds of you ppl that those links are active but it’s just my connection...?

I can download them indeed

Grrr... thanx for letting me know!!

Will I make you happier, when I tell you, that I:
1. have never heard of tdsn format (what the hell is it?),
2. am downloading those songs at speed cca 492 b/sec, while my usual speed is cca 80 kb/sec.

I’m also eager to hear those songs, but it will take probably a couple of days to download them!!!


Winterangel... just rename them to .mp3!!

Soooooooo, finally I managed to download “Dar Isen Ar Inne” and played it in Winamp. AND BELIEVE ME - you’re not missing anything. It was recorded from the crowd and you can hardly hear that Marie is singing something. So, I’m not going to download the rest because it’s not even worth bothering. If you want the song I downloaded, I cand send it to you via e-mail. It has cca 3 MB.

Damn that’s a pitty!!

For the hard-core MF fans; there was one DSR concert that was recorded & broadcasted on Swedish radio... obviously the quality is MUCH better... but is there anyway of getting that concert?

I have the full Stockholm concert from 1992. Sadly I don’t know how to upload it. The quality is pretty good btw

Arlanda... in what format do you have it? CD, Cass, Vinyl?

Arlanda, im very interesed in it!!!! :D
I will send you an email!!! ;)

This is getting very interesting for me. I’d love to have it too, but when Arlanda can’t upload it... Does anyone else have it? A lot of people MUST have it if it was on the radio... :-)

I don’t understand why there’s very little of MF’s concert’s online... some fans got so many great stuf in there collections but they never seem to reach the rest of us!! I’d love to atleast have one concert of each tour of her’s... well got 2 recording from the Antligen tour but that’s about it!!

@Purple I have it on cd.

If someone can uppload I can send wmas...

I have a copy of the concert in Lulea, but its on cassette. Was that the one that was broadcast on the radio?

Yes it was. It was even awailable as download some timw ago

Hey Arlanda, maybe i can get a server for the songs...

could you can do mp3???? :D

That sounds like a good news!
Arlanda and Yellowtiger: when you start working on it and if it goes well, will you PLEEEEEAAAAASSSEEE :-) let us know?
And, Purpleslimything :-), I agree - Marie’s fans seem to be more quiet than those of Per... or is it in the amount of them?

Just got to read this thread. For all who are interested: I do have the whole Uppsala and Lulea 1992 concerts. I would be interested in the Stockholm one for a change, and I could make it available via YouSendIt or so; you can send it to me via email at [email protected]


Arlanda... how about contacting Steven from for host those songs... will try & make some of my stuff available through him too then we have a equal swop & doing our good deed for the Rox-community!!!


About tdsn format! You should just change it to mp3 and you’ll listen to the tracks.

TDSN was used to hide mp3 files on server that banns storage of mp3’s, I think.

In fact they are mp3’s... or wav’s :-/ Anyway try!


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