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HAND Vs Room Service?

36 replies

I was listening to these on my way to college when I finally realised I like HAND better. I love “Arms..gone”, “Waiting for the rain”, “Pay the Price” and “Staring at the ground.” Unnuasual ones i knwo but still.
What do other people like?

HAND is better, imo...

i choose HAND, too.

Quote: “Unusual ones”
Don’t think so ;) Waiting for the rain and Staring at the ground are from my HAND favourites.

Some time ago there was a discussion about HAND/RS, not exactly the same but with lots of thoughts

For me its “Have A Nice Day”. But it took me a while to find out how great it really was. However, I still always skip ” Pay The Price”, “Cooper” and “Staring At The Ground”.

You don’ t like PTP or SATG, sometimes i play that cd just to listen to them songs. :-)

For me probably HAND, don’t know why?!

I prefer HAND

HAND is a long long way ahead of room service for me... and I just love YCPYAAWAG (except I hate typing the title), PTP and SATG :D

I like much HAND ( brings to me very good memories close to the FC and the last visit that Roxette did to him to the Argentina, where they signed me and I met them in person :)

HAND is much better.

Room Service has two truly outstanding songs... Real Sugar and Milk And Toast And Honey. Have A Nice Day though has many highlights; Wish I Could Fly, YCPYAAWAG, Crush On You, I Was So Lucky, Stars, Beautiful Things.... guess the choice is obvious... HAND, to my opinion actually the best album that rox ever made.

HAND is better overall, though there are some gems on room service aswell

after thinking a long while... HAND

I will burn a cd with my favs from HAND & RS



HAND easily

Wasn’t HAND known as the most “hateable” album and what he have now? ;)

HAND Grows with the time(Good songs+Fresh Sound) .-. RS For me is just Lazy

HAND hands down. I think s lot of people will choose C!B!B! & HAND as the best Roxette albums.


HAND has as great songs:
Crush on you, Stars, 7Twenty7, Wish i Could Fly
but also the songs I always skip: Anyone, Salvation

RS has also some great ones:
My World, My Love My Life and Real Sugar.
The other songs aren’t that special, but no real “skippers” here.

Overall, they are of comparable quality, although it are totally different albums.


In my opinion HAND is one of the best albums Roxette ever did. My personal problem with it is the electronic arrengement in some songs, like “Stars”, “7twenty7” and “Crush on you”. I also think that there are too many ballads, but after all this is one of the best.

RS, even being a weak album in my point of view, it’s really great tho. I mean, I really like “Real sugar”, “Jefferson”, “Looking for Jane”, “Try [Just a little bit harder]”, “Fool”, “It takes you no time to get here” and “My world, my love, my life”.

Both are good, but HAND is stronger. :-)

HAND..It has masterpieces.
RS doesnt. Easy.

HAND wins hands down (scuse the pun!)....

How funny...for the last 6 years everyone has trashed HAND and now most people are liking it more than Room Service!!! I think I like RS a little more than HAND though neither of them will ever be my favourite.

I think HAND too.

Have a nice day is better.... I love You cant put your arm around whats already gone. Pay the price, Crush on you and of course the WONDERFUL I was so lucky..........

I also prefer Have A Nice Day. It’s more fresh, but I have to admit there is too much techno in some songs, for instance, Stars. And the cover is quite strange.

The both are very good, but I prefer HAND.
This is the album who makes me fell in love with Roxette music.

I‘ve noticed a curious thing- HAND appears to be the most “singable” Roxette-album for me through the years, no other album drives me to sing so crazily like HAND does! maybe TBH also, but there‘s a number songs from HAND there.

sorry, but i prefer RS...

In my opinion, HAND was something like an experiment with new sounds & tecnhologies and RS the right result of them.

Hmm.. I can’t choose. But..Bringing me down to my knees have a special meaning for me, so think I’ve got to say Roomservice..

no i looove room service you people should be glad to actually have it easy to buy it (australia)

I prefer HAND, since the the first time I listened to it. It has loads of good songs. The only one I don’t like that I always skip is ’Staring At The Ground’. All the rest is superb!

On the other hand, I never play RS. I find it very boring. And it contains the worst song Roxette have ever recorded: ’Make My Head Go Pop’. I don’t undertand when some people say HAND is too electronic, when ’The Centre Of The Heart’ is even more electronic than any song on HAND.


I Like Room Service better. My favourite is “My World, My Love, My Life”. The Best On HAND is “Wish I Could Fly” I think. Room Service is more powerful with more guitars. HAND sounds a bit technical.

I still think that RS is a great album! In the recent time I was listening quite often to it!

Njae. I like Room Service. TCOTH, It Takes You No Time..., My World. Great songs.

But I really like HANDs electric sound. Really great!

And I seems to be the only one who doesn’t think that there are to many ballads.

I just love Cooper. . .

HAND the best album, tight followed by Joyride.


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