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How is Marie health right now ?

22 replies

Hi guys!. Do U know anything new about Marie’s health ?. There’s a complete silence about her and that doesn’t sound good to me. There are many fans who are in permanent contact with her enviroment, can you get any info about her for all of us ?. Thanks.

There are no news. I don’t know... I hope well :)

No news good news

I will hope that she is okay.

Actually a fan that posted in other topic said that he/she saw Marie on TV and she looked great:) Though I don’t know when it was filmed.

hello folks

no news, is good news? i don’t think so. why does she should have problems to say, hey i’m ok? marie is a human who has problems to say, sorry i’m not in good health.

but i hope, that i’m wrong.

and that we don’t hear anything from per or her friends let me think i’m right, she’s not in the best health. (i was shoked about the pictures in the change. she did not look good) marie has got a really serious cancer. really one you never can say, i will never get ill in the future. so i think she knows that and she can’t tell us how it is about her health. if she could, she would do that.

so give her the chance to rest a few years with her family. maybe for a long time, i hope so. i’m one of the biggest fan of marie, but i have no problem to share this time with marie’s familiy. i know she needs them more than ever. and i’m happy, that she have them to give her the power to survive. without them, who knows what happended?

but maybe, she has one time the power to say. so let’s rox on.

when not, marie, thank you for all you ever did or you were for me. thanks a lot. i can’t discribe.

take your time



so please don’t shout about a new album or so. take it how it comes and be lucky about everything you get.

Well said....

Not everybody is the same. Some take longer to heal than others. Some like to have it more private than others. So just let her be as she wants to be. She will be fine and will come back when she feels she’s ready for it. :)

I said many times her fans aren’t the center of the world, I don’t think her fans are the biggest of her worries right now, the important people in her life (family, friends) know about her, how she feels and all.

I met Marie’s husband Micke this week and he said Marie is doing fine, it’s just taking a long time with all the treatments.

Nice point Judith.... I think the last thing Marie needs or wants to think about are the fans...

I don’t think it’s wrong for fans to worry about the fans are not the center of her world but some fans are genuinely concerned about her and get worried when there’s a big silence. We know that cancer is a disease that can come back, and when there’s no news it’s natural to wonder if everything is ok. Nobody is asking Marie to make appearances every week, I just think hearing now and then that she’s doing well makes everyone feel better and worry a bit less.

to Kroeby1: In last years when Marie was at hospital or she was under treatmemts, we fans always know it and now we know nothing, that is why I think no news good news. Nothing else I wish only would be Marie healthy!!

I am sorry, I wanted to write “we fans always knew it”

Thanks for the info Marie. If that’s straight from Micke then it’s good enough for me.

well marie is a well known artist around the world and has alot of fans who spent lots of money buying their cd’s and concert tickets and stuff like that. i think we diserve a little more information about her.
thanks to us she is rich. without the fans she would be just like us. having a normal job.

its the emotional healing i think that will be hardest most :-( ,

its none of our business really. sure it would be nice to know, but all we are her customers really. She is spending time with her family, who are the really important people in her life. Marie has always been quite guarded about her personal life, which is something i totally respect. Ultimately all she ever wanted to do is make music and perform which shouldnt mean she has to sell her soul to her fans....she already made the documentary, what more do people want?

ncurran: right, if you look at it commercially, we are only her customers buying her products ;)

Some people think that Marie owes them something just because they have been her fan for years and have bought many of her albums.

Anyway, while, of course, it is nice to hear from time to time about her, I don’t think anybody should demand her for information as if it would be her duty. I really doubt she (and many other artists in her place) is sitting there thinking about how worried her fans are, when there are more important things and more important people to think about. Other artists will be more open about it (like Melissa Etheridge for example) but well, that’s their choice.

Marie has decided to stay private and actually that’s the way she has been all her career. She’s never gone around telling about her boyfriends, her family, except for the minimum when she married Micke or had Oscar/Josefin. We have no clue how her pregnancies have been, if she and Micke have gone through some tough times, she even didn’t tell when her mum died until some time afterwards, etc etc. I guess the only difference is that meanwhile she was going through all these stages in her life, she kept herself “public” with Rox or solo. I guess it also has to do with the fact that internet brings news at the moment and you are kinda spoiled because we hear/heard about them almost on a monthly basis.. I for example got to know that Marie had married like 2-3 weeks afterwards. Same happened when Oscar and Josefin came to world...

I don’t think it’s a matter of “owing” people anything, it’s a matter of realising that as a public person there are many more people who know who you are and will be affected by you. It’s not just fans, but ordinary people as well. Here in Sweden a lot of regular people are concerned about Marie’s health and I often get asked if she’s ok when they hear that I’m a fan. They’re not being nosy or intrusive, it’s just natural to be concerned about a sick person whether you know them or not.

I’ll use an example that doesn’t involve a celebrity....a few years ago I used to write on the old Roxette mailing list (RML). When September 11 happened we all realised that a member of RML (also an important member here at TDR!) was working in the WTC when the planes hit, and everyone on the list was very upset and worried about him for days. Most of us didn’t even know him personally, but we were all terribly worried anyway because we knew who he was and nobody wanted anything to happen to him. So you can imagine it was a big relief to hear from him 3 days later. My point don’t have to know someone to be worried about them and, even though celebrities are absolutely entitled to privacy - they need to understand that their fans (and the general public) really do care about them and keeping people informed now and then could save a lot of worry. =)

Well said Judith!! :-)

I really think it is 100% up to Marie if she wants to talk to the public or not and she shouldn’t feel any obligations to do so just because she might be a public person. It is not her choice that some people are chasing after her or even moving to Sweden because of her.
I agree that some information about her health would be nice to get, but I really fully understand Marie if she is thinking more about her family and kids than on her fans. That’s pretty normal I think.

Well said Sparvogamarie !!
Worring about somebody’s health isn’t an attempt for stealing somebody’s soul.. ;-)
Yes-it isn’t wrong for fans to worry about Marie.
Gabryel ask about it ..and because of that we understand something from Sparvogamarie.

Thanks for letting us know about your conversation with Micke!!
Thanks Micke for talking with you.

Best wishes to Marie!!

I don’t say you don’t have to worry, that’s completely normal, but some people seem to expect Marie to treat all of you as her best friends and as somebody close to her when you are not, whatever number of albums you have bought or whatever.

What more do you want from her? She released an album and recorded a documentary which can’t get more personal, both album and docu are pure feelings, what else would you like her to do in order that she’s the perfect artist towards her fans? Publish a press release every month?

Again, she will speak when she feels like, might be soon, might be later, but that’s how she is and has always been. I doubt she will change now for our sake ;)

We’ve had this exact same argument before so this is probably going nowhere. As I said I think it’s perfectly natural for fans and public to wonder and worry about Marie, and all some of us would like is an occasional update. I personally don’t want to know anything private about her, just how she’s doing in general. I thought the documentary was great but almost TOO personal in a way, seeing her cry and all that was more than we asked for. And that docu was about 5 months ago, since then it’s just nice to hear that everything is still going well for her.

Obviously Marie is not obligated to tell us anything, and if she decides to end her career that is totally her business. I think most of us just hope that she realises that people genuinely care about her and want to support her, and that those people sometimes get a bit worried when they don’t hear from her.

Btw, just to explain why I’m in Sweden since it was implied that I moved here just for Marie - I made the decision to study Swedish several years ago and I was originally supposed to study in Lund. Then I received a fantastic job offer in Djursholm to work with a child who has cystic fibrosis. Since I was already planning to work with sick children in my career, it was a great opportunity. I didn’t want to take the job at first, since Marie lives in Djursholm, but my employer said she has never seen Marie in town, only Micke. I’ve been here 6 months and never seen her once. I’ve seen Micke and the kids once or twice but I’ve never spoken to Micke when he has the kids with him. Last week he was alone so I just went up and asked if his wife was feeling better. He was really kind and said she was much better but it was taking a long time to fully recover. He thanked me several times for asking about her so I don’t think he was annoyed about it. So just clearing that up before certain ppl imply that I am stalking her or something!


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