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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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When do you think Per is realising...

12 replies

When do you think Per is releasing his next solo album?
I wanna know about it.

I don’t know. If I remember it well, there was an article in Aftonbladet where it was stated that the album should be released around August.

yes, August..

Yes, the second half of the year: I can´t wait any more. I love Gessle.

i hope never Per release his own english album!
I want a Roxette new album or not at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can´t wait for Per´s album... after TWATG and Mazarin, I know a PERfect album will come... Go Gessle Go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, after two failed steps, maybe the third will be PERfect...

Two failed, are you dreaming....

They’re definitely not “two failed steps”!!! I’ve heard about a new album this autumn and turné next summer! Can’t wait :-)

Nooooo, please, nothing new this year! ;-)

After two previous masterpieces can’t wait for the third! ;-)

I h8 to not know whats happening and when
New album? When? Tour? When? Roxette? When?
But it is better to not know than know that it wont be any or? ;)

Maybe Per only says he will work on solo album, maybe he will work on new Roxette album and they want to work in a SECRET and then they will say in 2006 “We have got a new fantastic album”. Maybe, who knows....


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