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Marie here???

10 replies

Hi there,
we always ask whether Per is on this site and reads the comments. But what about Marie? Do you know whether she is sometimes here? And when wich name can she be? Maybe she writes comments or so.
What do you think?

i don’t think so

I doubt she posts, but she might read it now and again.... I guess you never know! :)

Who knows... But I read in one of fanclub’s “Roxette Reviews” that when Marie was asked whether she had checked new fanclub’s site, Marie answered “No”.

I think Marie doesn´t read it. What a pity! Per maybe yes, sometimes.

haha, I love that Marie never sugarcoats the fact that she just doesnt give a crap about these things. oam

Marie does read TDR from time to time....

Dimberg ;)

to Judith: it´s a great news!

LOL Oam, so true! I heard the fanclub used to send questions to Marie via email and she would forward them to Per with a message like “I can’t be bothered with this”. Then when Per sent them back to the FC, Marie’s message was still attached haha! She’s a sweetheart when she meets fans but otherwise, like Oam said - she doesn’t sugarcoat the fact that she’s not interested!!!

Jud: Dimberg said MF reads here??? :/ I seriously hope she never read Small Talk when all those awful Marie-bashing topics about her were going on (Why doesn’t Marie thank Per, why didn’t she invite him to her wedding, The Change sucks etc) She doesn’t deserve to read such trash about herself from her fans especially when she’s been ill. :(

LOL no, the one who reads TDR is Marie Dimberg ;)

Ah, I see. Hey in that case I wonder if Dimberg was reading when there was a topic about the Do You Want Fries with That site, and checked out Dimbergs Diary!!!! I would laugh my ass off if she read that!!!!!


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