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Have A Nice Day Survivor Poll Results (582 votes!)

29 replies

***** Have A Nice Day Survivor Poll Winner: WISH I COULD FLY *****

Hi Folks!

Victorious on the airwaves, victorious in the charts, and now victorious again in 2005...

Warm congratulations to Wish I Could Fly for winning this album’s TDR survivor poll.

Crush On You was eliminated by 23-19 votes in the final. Please note that Wish I Could Fly was in fact winning by 8 votes when this post was submitted: “Just done a quick tally, WICF is just in the lead by one vote! Any song could win. Wish I could vote again!!!!!”, just in case you’re a little confused...

02. Crush On You
03. Beautiful Things
04. Salvation
05. Stars
06. Anyone
07. 7Twenty7
08. It Will Take A Long Long Time
09. Waiting For The Rain
10. Pay The Price
11. Staring At The Ground
12. I Was So Lucky
13. You Can’t Put Your Arms Around What’s Already Gone
14. Cooper

I will submit a post shortly about my opinion on the extent of cheating in this poll. But I’m really pleased to tell you that I am convinced that any possible unfair interference did not affect the outcome.

After Roxhard announced his retirement from this forum, I decided to start this contest to give the TDR subscribers an enthusiatic and fair poll. Thanks for all the positive feedback. I hope you enjoyed it :-)

All the best from Rich ;-)

Kind of looks like Roxette chose the right singles after all...Apart from COY, that is.

Anyway, I am sad about the last two songs on the chart. In my opinion Cooper is definitely not the worst on HAND (PTP or 727 is!;)...Arms should have gotten higher, too! :) He he...But the people has spoken, I had better shut up and start waiting the Room Service poll :)

Earlier today I noticed that two TDR accounts (harriej and sommartiderhejhej) had voted out the same song within 1 minute of each other both in this final and in round 6 (and that the two accounts also voted consecutively for the same song in some other rounds). Thankfully Harrie replied to my inquisitive e-mail to assure me that these voting patterns were a coincidence, so these votes have been counted.

I make no accusation here; I simply think that it’s fair to present you with the facts... Additionally, harreij and sommartiderhejhej voted within 2 minutes of each other for the same song in round 6, round 12 and the final of the Crash! Boom! Bang! (these are the only ones I could find remaining online). The majority of the rounds of the survivor polls have been deleted, but harriej and sommartiderhejhej voted within 2 minutes of each other for the same song in every single one of the 5 Roxette survivor poll rounds I have managed to find still available. I shall leave it to you to decide whether or not this is a coincidence.

A short comment about the authenticity of the rest of this poll... Having studied the voting patterns in the rounds of this poll, I do believe it is possible that some accounts have been created to unfairly influence the outcome, but I do not believe that they have markedly affected the outcome :-) It does make me sad though to think that people are cheating in these polls, because these people are not just cheating the poll, they’re cheating all of you :-(

All the best from Rich ;-)

WICF was a great song , plus it did so so well in the other polls for HAND , so it was bound to win :-D

They obviously are the same person. Sorry, but that’s too mauch coincidence.

I fail to understand why anyone would feel the need to cheat in what is designed to be a fun activity. There was no real purpose other than to have a little fun and get a group of fans to interract with each other.

I concur with Rich’s findings. I don’t believe these questionable votes had any effect on the eventual outcome.

You have both my thanks and symphathies Rich. It was a well run poll and a massive shame that you had to invest so much of your personal time to ensure that any cheats could not adversly decide the outcome.

Let me clear out some things:

Harriej and sommartiderhejhej are 2 different accounts of 2 people, but who share the same computer.
Both like the same kind of songs, being the reason why the same votes are given quite often (but in one of the polls, which is not online anymore, 2 different votes are given) and also the reason why it is so close after each other.

If Harrie wanted to create a fake account, surely he wouldn’t be so stupid that he would actually vote from both accounts at the same time. Oh please...

Well, I can’t deny you are really the best friends all over the world! Even your taste is exactly the same. I’d like to have a friend as yours!!!

These two are really two persons cause you can read their posts in other topics. So these accounts weren’t created for the poll.

Hello there,

Of course we do not create accounts especially for voting. Some people here are really paranoia. If you look a bit further you can see that my account has been created begore the poll had started and that I have given comments in other threads as well.

@staffany: No problem, I can be your friend as well.

I would have the same problem if Connie would decide to vote too, we live in the same flat and share the same PC (and many times the same taste)

Relax, this isn’t that serious :P

There is a fine line between blind trust and paranoia. Maybe if Harrie hadn’t said >>I guess “sommartiderhejhej” happens to be online on the same time as me, but that is coincedencea person who created various user accounts and thought he wouldn’t be spotted

We can also talk about the results a little bit if you like :-)

It was no surprise to me that COY and WICF were in the final, and I think that either song would have made a worthy winner. I’m very happy because my favourite 3 songs ended up in the top 3 (even though my favourite song, BT, did not win!). I’m not surprised by the songs in the bottom 3, although I really like the fun nature of YCPYAAWAG. All the best from Rich ;-)

I’m happy WICF won, though I wouldve loved BT to win, i knew it didnt really stand a chance. But most of all I am very happy Cooper was last, as i absolutely hate that song...perhaps my least favourite Roxette song ever

Good poll! I didn’t vote in the final round because I simply couldn’t decide which song to vote out - so I thought I shouldn’t vote at all. WICF is a worthy winner, it’s the best produced song on HAND, I guess and has the best bass line I ever heard on a Rox song. :)

A pity that WFTR didn’t get a higher position!

Ahhh ncurran... another BT lover... it’s my favourite song of the last decade... he he! :-)

Hi Kiwein1... I guess WFTR is a song a lot of people love and lot of people don’t like so much... so as the poll was to vote for the worst then the next worse it ended up not so high... but if the poll had been to vote for the best then the next best it may have finished higher... if you see what I mean!!

Thanks for the poll Rich! I had a good time, I don’t mind if there are some fakes account out there...

By the way, I think that Cooper is the worst song on HAND and maybe WICF is the best so we had a good time, that’s all

Thanks mbatalla :-) I enjoyed it too. About the fake accounts, I guess I should take Judith’s advice and relax!! All the best, Rich ;-)

Well, firstly, I have to say that I said that it’s important try to avoid two votes from two nicks of one person... But I never doubted about the poll or Rich... I congratulated Rich before the end of the last poll and I congratulate him again. As I said the las time... Well done!!! I like polls, it’s quite interesting.
Secondly, as a lot of people can know, WICF was my fave in HAND and I’m so happy was the winner. Anyway, I said I would accept COY if had won, deserves #2. I’m sorry about people who had to choose between two songs if none of them was his/her fave in HAND. But, anyaway, polls are like this and are interesting, that’s my opinion.
Finally, I encourage Rich to make a RS poll... It can be so surprising :D

Thanks Miguel... May I add that 582 votes is rather an impressive total?! Cheers for voting... All the best, Rich ;-)

Not all all, Rich!! You look a great fan. Thank you for these moments of fun you bring us... :)


My congratulations. Your manners turned his poll into a great fun!

Three Cheers for Rich-UK! The poll was an absolute delight thanks to you. I, for one, appreciate what must have been a great deal of work on your part and the efficiency and humor with which you did it. Kudos. Keep it going!

When’s the Room Service poll going to start? :-)

Well done Rich, a great poll :-)

I have agree with the top5 although i would’ve like to have seen staring at the ground and YCPYAAWAG a little higher. But it seems to show that they did choose good singles, and that COY probably should have been one of them ;-)

Yup well done Rich, was fun... what’s next?

Thanks for taking up the call, Rich!

I agree (more or less) with the outcome of this poll (and in any case, it’s fun!)... what I’d like to know is this: People frequently cite this album as Roxette’s worst... so, looking at this list, where do we draw the line between the “good” songs and the “bad” songs (bad albums should have lots of bad songs, shouldn’t they?). Looking at this list, I’m not sure where that line should be drawn... they all look pretty good to me... but then, this is my favourite album... (-:

So, guys, where’s the line?

(Could be a poll of its own...?)

Hi roxtexanet,

HAND is my second favourite album after CBB. As you say, the position of the line depends on whether you think that it’s a good album, and to draw the line you first have to agree on the order! The order is pretty much how I would like, and I’m glad the song that finished 3rd was so high. The only song that doesn’t really do it for me finished 12th, and I think that the songs that finished 7th & 10th, in particular, would have really benefitted from a more natural production. Other than that I wouldn’t want anything to be different (except maybe the artwork!), and I think that the much-criticised song that finished 13th is a great little fun, light-hearted, catchy pop song :-)

I guess if the line is between good and bad songs, then I would put it either after 13th or 14th. If the line is between good and bad songs on Roxette’s standards, then I would put it somewhere between 9th and 12th, after some strategic re-ordering!!

All the best, Rich ;-)

Thanx again for the poll Rich! Two best songs on HAND were in the final and WICF deserved to be a winner. I’m only surprised Stars and Salvation are so high. Beautiful Things on the 3rd place - a little unexpected but very good fact :)
IMO Cooper isn’t the worst song and i’d like Staring At The Ground and Waiting For The Rain got better places.

Now we’re waiting for the cool RS-poll :)


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