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Fish and Salvation

26 replies

This a a bit funny topic.
When I saw “Salvation” clip for the first time, I didn’t know why pieces of fish appear in that clip in Marie o Per’s hands.
Today, talking with other boy (from this tdr) the question turned into my brain...
Why? Jajajaja :D

it’s obvious even if you aren’t very religious ;-)

I have one interpretation for this video (and, believe me, it will be very nice if it’s completely wrong).
When Per pass by the gate for the first time on the video, the lyrics says: “you passed by the gate, captured my fate, salvation...” It looks like Marie was saved by Per, capturing her fate as if she was nothing before she started to sing with him.

This could explain the pumpkin scene (that scene where Per is holding a pumpkin and Marie is holding a slice of it): just imagine “success” being symbolized by the pumpkin; Per gives Marie a “slice” of his success, as if Per has been her “success source”.

The fish scene could have some interpretation like this...

Salvation?? The fish and the bread by Jesus??

I don’t think she was nothing before she started to sing with him. “Het vind” and “Den sjunde vågen” were very successful in Sweden...

Yes, I don’t think she was nothing before singing with Per. But I don’t know if the Salvation director (Anton Corbjin?) thinks the same...

I think he tried to do something “different”, but it ended in something too bizarre for my taste.

I think they were saved from their hunger.

Hopefully aftrwards they were saved from the fish-smell.

@ alexandre: I too wouldn’t say that Marie was nothing before. But still Ilike your interpretation VERY much and I think it’s a good start.

Per once said that fish simbolize happiness.

I´ve never understood his words.

I wonder how embarrassing was the shoot of “Salvation” for Per and Marie. If there was a makin of for this video, we could see some people laughing at them in the backstage...

i don’t think that it is anything symbolic, it’s a pop video. Maybe instead of capturing fate, they were capturing fish??

such a horrid video really

Nice and different...

I don’t care. I hate that video ... urghhhh fishes and pumpkins really??? jesus

i don’t get the fish and pumpkin.
but i really like the video, they make the colour look like a documentary, look great.
the video of WICF and Anyone are also great, but Star was not, i hate that video.

Some ppl... why not sit & watch this clip closely... try figure out the symbolism... and for heaven’s sake - don’t always expect things on a silver plate! Corbjin rocks!!

Online NOW!!!!!!

i really hope some ppl would explain it.
i came from China, and i don’t know much about Christianism or North-Europe myth or other culture symbolic.
to some ppl, it’s a easy way to find out, but to me, i have no idea of any way there.

Although I made that interpretation for this video, I still like it very much! It doesn’t look like a pop video: the way it was filmed (in Super 8, I think) makes it look like a documentary (as @voodoo has wrote), and there’s all that sort of symbolism in it...

The strangest video of Roxette.

Oh jesus I can’t stand that video ... terrible idea to use that quality image it just didn’t do any good and caused no impact in it ... and that fish and the pumpkin seriously ... what was that some sort of Eurythmics sort of ...???

The video is so christian, the christian sign is a fish... mystery solved

so what’s the significance of the pumpkin then.....

C’mon boys!, there´s no meaning behind this!. It’s what we call Pop Art.

OK, here’s my guess. The fish Per is holding is a predator and it would eat those fish marie is holding if they were together in one aquarium : ). So the whole video is about a strange relationship between a man and a woman, maybe a couple? The woman is clearly dependant, even addicted to the man and he misuses it in a way- therefore Per is holding the whole pumpkin and Marie just one piece of it. Although the woman gave him everything, the man is still keeping his distance...

The fish was a subtle hint from Per to Marie to say she had a bad breath that day :o)

maybe they were just hungry.. starvation..


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