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GT25 Live DVD Vs Mazarin DVD

7 replies

Hey Guys,

After watching these two amazing concerts over and over again, I can’t really decide which one I prefer. The vocal performance, I think, is better on the Mazarin DVD, but the overall performace is better on GT25.

Any views on the subject?

GT25 is more of an overall thrill, but mazarin en alskling has songs which generate more interest in listening to live... (+ special features!)

I like them both, although not watched either of them this year... I guess the Mazarin one is my fave but GT Live just adds a little something extra (I think the Micke performance sways it) :)

Mazarin without doubt!!
More extras, better sound quality, better video quality..
more soul,less money-making

A choice between two goods...

I remember when I went to see Gessle on the Mazarin-tour. I was sooo exciteted! It was the first time I ever saw Gessle live in concert. Of course, the excitement was there on the GT25-tour too. But it was something special about that Mazarin-concert. I guess that‘s kind of how I feel about the DVDs too. And after all, I still think that Mazarin is a better record than Finn Fem Fel! But don‘t get me wrong - FFF is a really good record too. What does that say about Mazarin?

I guess what I‘m trying to say here is that I think “En Mazarin Älskling?” is bit better than “En Scen Vid En Plats I En Stad”.

from the musical point of view “En Mazarin Älskling?” concert is waaay better. Why? because they used more instruments/ musicians (wrong spelling?). The overall “sound” is on higher level.

But... “En Scen Vid En Plats I En Stad”.... WHAT A SHOW!! Maybe it isn’t musical masterpiece, but look at the crowd, almost 60000 people. Amazing atmosfere and STAGE (huge screens, great lighting efects etc etc). All this makes this show really awesome to watch!

So “En Scen Vid En Plats I En Stad” is rather for your eyes while “En Mazarin Älskling?” for your ears :) Try to mix it :P

The GT25 DVD is continuously in my DVD-player since january. It is a great DVD.
Especially Nar Vi Tva Blir En is great, if you see how the audience is making the GT-members happy by singing with them.

GT25 for the whole show, Mazarin for the extra’s...


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