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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Anyone know if the live videos (C!C!B!, Liveism etc.) are ever going to be released as dvds?

This is something I’ve wondered about.

Gyllene Tider fans get treated to so much quality material. Documentaries, live tours and even a Karaoke DVD :)

I wonder why there is such a lack of quality Roxette material? I guess there must be more of a demand for GT stuff than Roxette.

Is that possible?

I would very much doubt it to be honest. The reason why there’s been so much GT stuff released lately is because GT had a huge success with F5F and the GT25 tour this passed summer. Roxette has been rather dead since 2001 (if you don’t count the not so successful GH albums). So I actually don’t think there’s sucha big market for such Roxette DVDs unfortunately. A handful of fans would probably buy them, but the big public I don’t think would have much interest in it to be honest. Well, my thoughts... :)

Live-ism was released on dvd.

But Live-ism doesn’t really count.

Live-ISM WASN’T released on DVD, unless you count bootlegs. :)

so who do ask to find out? Would EMI know?

I have the bootleg Liveism Dvd, I wouldn’t mind CBL on DVD official or bootlegged!

I am in the process of putting my videos onto DVD at the moment.

About Roxette DVD’s:

”...but the big public I don’t think would have much interest in it to be honest.”

Do you think the “big public” have much interest in Gyllene Tider DVD’s? They are only known and successful in Sweden. I don’t think the “big public” is interested in GT at all. I bet a Roxette DVD would sell many more copies than all that GT stuff.

Live-ISM Brazilian DVD is not a bootleg, it was licensed. Bootlegs usually don’t have any info about the manufacturer. This one has all that info stated on the sleeve (even the factory address). It’s not illegal.

Gyllene Tider’s DVDs are released in Sweden, the only place they are famous. So I’d say they hit the target...

And no, it doesn’t matter how much you nag about that Brazilian DVD, it still is a bootleg in the rest of the world, “official” or not in Brazil.

That’s true GT is only released in Sweden but I think the point was that if they bother producing a DVD for a relatively small market such as Sweden, a Roxette DVD would almost certainly sell as many or more copies than a GT DVD because it could be released in Germany and South America also. But maybe they feel Liveism and CBL are a little old to be re-released. I still wish a Room Service concert had been recorded properly and made into a DVD *sigh*

Well, I still don’t think that a Roxette DVD would sell as much as a GT DVD is doing in Sweden. The reason is that there are not that many people, apart from a few hundred fans, that have any interest at all in Roxette anymore. At least that’s what I think...

That’s definitely true in Sweden, but I think Rox still have a lot of fans in Germany and some other countries. A DVD by them would never be a best seller of course but I think it would sell ok around Europe.

The Live-ism DVD is not a bootleg, it was released by a magazine who got the copyright from EMI Brasil. I’m not from Brasil but I did have the dvd and the magazine too.

Bootlegs are not distributed by large print magazines, in fact it was sold in music chain stores in Argentina, such as Musimundo and Planet, they would never sold bootlegs because they don’t sell anything without the permission of the music company. If I remember right, it was EMI Argentina who imported those dvd’s.

Just in case, you should take the magazine and read it carefully. It’s not a bootleg, whether you like it or not...

EMI Sweden says it’s not official, that’s all I know.

@ per_mson & others

I don’t think it’s always about the money...
There is at least this one artist called Björk who has at least 5 live dvd’s released...And many of them are released after a long time since the time of the concerts...She also has these concerts released on CD’s...

Do they really sell tens or hundreds of thousands of copies? I doubt it.

I have to say I would really appriate EMI if they put out a Roxette live DVD...with good quality :)

I agree with you, animalkingdom!!! Björk is not a massive artist, she didn’t hit any chart! She is more a “cult” artist, her music is just for people who likes her music, not for the general public. And yes, she has released a lot of DVD’s. They are easily available, even here in Argentina (I have seen at the stores so many times). It doesn’t matter if Roxette stuff is a little “old” (RS Tour is not so old at all, it was 4 years ago). Another example: I’m in ABBA music too, since 1993. And “ABBA The Movie” is going to be re-released on DVD this year. That Movie was shoot on 1977! That’s very old, and is going to be re-issued! After this, I don’t see any problem about Roxette Tours age...

Live-ISM DVD is not a bottleg. Did you see any bootleg with the manufacturer’s address on it? “Hey! I’ve stolen this film, and I’m selling it. You can visit me if you want. This is my address. Police is invited too!” LOL

I have a bootleg with the record company’s name, address and copyright information on it.

It is a “bottleg” outside of Brazil.

It was licensed, not stolen. If you consider it a bootleg, that’s your problem

To repeat myself: EMI Sweden says it’s not official, that’s all I know.

If EMI bought the rights to release a DVD, so ... are they able to release it in any format they want or not?

tevensso: Have you already seen the magazine? Have you read all my last message? Thanks

Well, this discussion is getting out of hand. Let me say I don’t care if it’s a bootleg or not. Anyway, it’s better than the VHS release!

Just to get the blood boiling and the greymatter and keyboards steaming: I was watching the Ballads&Hits DVD the other nite, just to only realise for the first time how high-quality the live sound for the “intro/emi logo” is.... you know... the Crush On You teaser with the crowd going off in the background....

Could it be that there IS a full high-quality recording of a RoomService concert somewhere? Video/Audio? Or did they just use pre-recorded sounds and mixed it together for that 10second intro? Hmmm.....

Makes you think, doesnt it?


Well, I just said what I thought and I still think a Roxette DVD would never sell very well and yes I think this is about the money. I would never ever believe EMI and/or Gessle to release something they didn’t think they would earn money on (even if you sometimes start to wonder when they release things like Ballad and Pop Hits). But as I said before, this is just what I think. :)

Maybe you haven’t noticed, but Björk is not really what you can call a normal artist (or normal person either for that sake), so I’m more than sure she doesn’t care so much about the money. I mean, the woman went to London to record since they couldn’t produce a “pink sound with yellow dots on it” on Iceland where she’s from. Yes, she said it exactly like that... so I wonder what drug she was high on... maybe the same as when she released those albums?! ;-)))

I also own this Live-Ism DVD and I must say it looks very much bootleg to me both when you look at the cover and the quality of the stuff that’s on it. It looks like they copied the VHS version directly to the disc and then printed the covers at the cheapest copy shop available.
And if “EMI Svenska AB” has not approved this DVD it must be a bootleg, or?! It is after all the Swedish EMI/PG himslef that owns the rights to publish Roxette’s music. At least it says “EMI Svenska AB” on all the official records I own from all parts of the world.

I can understand that there probably isn’t much of a market for them, but what about the ones that have been released. Sure they had some promotion done with Room Service (AVEM) and the TPH/TBH collections. But do you think that the Live DVD’s wouldn’t sell as much as the others??

@Robs: My guess is that they would maybe sell about the same or even a bit less. Maybe that’s why EMI don’t bother about releasing them... I dunno! ;-)
But who knows... maybe there will be something in 2006?!

Room Service Tour DVD is still in my wishlist.:)

Ha ha ha...

moderator 2/23/2005 11:52
Live-ISM WASN’T released on DVD, unless you count bootlegs. :)”

followed by

moderator 2/23/2005 19:02
...And no, it doesn’t matter how much you nag about that Brazilian DVD, it still is a bootleg in the rest of the world, “official” or not in Brazil.”

followed by

moderator 2/23/2005 19:41
EMI Sweden says it’s not official, that’s all I know.”

followed by

moderator 2/23/2005 21:09
It is a “bottleg” outside of Brazil.”

followed by

moderator 2/23/2005 21:35
To repeat myself: EMI Sweden says it’s not official, that’s all I know. ”

...Umm...You think people who own the Live-ism DVD cannot read your postings? They’re only trying to prove their point right, right? Kind of like you...But yeah, I think you got YOUR point out in the open!

Five times... Ok... *rollseyes*

Ever notice that the back of the Live-ism DVD only has pictures of Marie? It’s like the designer of the DVD cover thought that Roxette was just the blonde woman in the concert. Craptacular!

Animal: Wow, I do love your subtle ways...

It might be a bootleg, but i’d still like to have it on DVD, only coz i don’t have VHS player at the moment.

Just a thought, if its about money etc.. well why not release both Live-Ism and C!B!L! together on the same disc... instead of going to the trouble of make each one individually. I suppose for EMI its not that good, coz then we only buy one disc instead of two.


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