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Per's "plastic surgery"

28 replies

Did Per have plastic surgery to look better ??

He used to look almost like a grand mother in his face and his hairstyle.

The last couple of years he almost looks handsome.

Do you think he’s had plastic surgery ??

Like a grandma?!? He’s a man, ain’t he? :P

Rox On!

Per never looked as a grandma, c’mon LOL

You don’t need plastic surgery for a better hairstyle! Judging from the last pictures I don’t think he had one, maybe botox.

No doubt Per, you’re having to really resist the urge to post a response to this thread, PROBABLY IN CAPS LOCK! ;)

According to tabloids he visited Akademikliniken not so long ago.

haha, the google ads on this page are immense. oam.

What the F***???!!??


It’s so funny this topic cause a friend of mine said me, watching Roxette clips, if Marie had had plastic surgery between 1999 and 2001 because in Rooms Service clips Marie appears more young than HAND clips... I don’t know but it’s true TCOTH, Real SUgar and MATAH (make-up included) are clips with a bit younger Marie compared to 1999 :)

I doubt Marie has done anything to her face, you should see her from close and you would understand ;)

She (used to) wears lots of make up - her “real” skin is rather full of “stains” and in rather bad condition due to make-up “abuse”...

suck........ I don’t think he’s done it.. But what am I..

marie looked older during hand cause she wore LESS makeup and don’t forget marie was a very heavy smoker for some time that DOES affect your skin, my mom is a heavy smoker, she’s in her late 50’s and he face looks like she’s in her mid 70’s smoking is VERY BAD

I don´t belive in this. Per looks like a normal man

Normal man. Definitely. In every possible way.

what i meant about per’s looks:

he used to have a very rounded, chubby, childish and un-masculine face.
he always made me think of stan laurel from this old show.

now he’s face is more squared and masculine, the chubby cheeks are more straight and even his lips looks different. like they are thinner.

i’m not an expert but i would say it’s the work of a knife. it could be age as well, but not many have such luck that age actually works FOR them when it comes to looks.

and i think that’s okay i just wondered if anyone KNEW a little better.
if it has been discussed before.

about marie: you don’t get stains on your skin from using too much make-up. you get stains from NOT protecting your skin with make-up. unless of course you use make-up that irritates your skin, but that’s only a momentarily impact to the skin surface. i suppose heavy smoking can cause the condition of the skin to deteorate as well.

I really think he had a liposuction.

Make up used for shows and tvs etc is strong and might cause stains and that damaged skin... Anyway, for whatever reason, Marie’s skin is rather damaged.

I always knew that Per is one of those for which the age would work. It’s definitely the age that made him look better. I knew it ever since I saw him in ’89 that he will look much better when middle-aged. It’a a man-thing. Their features become sharper with age, their face become more masculine.
I sincerly wait for the same changing in my face as well. In 15 years. lol

Per lost a lot of weight, so maybe also on his face, that’s why he looks more masculine now... *don’treallybother*

Marie had her teeth fixed around 99 so that changed her appearance a bit, but like Jud said if you see her up close it’s obvious she has not had plastic surgery. She has a lot of wrinkles around her eyes, and I wouldn’t call her skin “damaged” but she does have some red patches on her face. But I think she looks great, she looks like a natural person. I hate this unatural look that people get when they have surgery (the look that Per now has, it looks like someone pulled all his skin back and tied it to his head).


“it looks like someone pulled all his skin back and tied it to his head”

>> :P this is what they do in certain plastic surgeries - just that the skin is not really tied but kind of sewed - yuk

Looking at Per’s pictures the possible answer could be yes, he did had some treatment. Not sure about surgery though, maybe botox indeed cause sometimes it seems that some parts of his face appear to be unnaturally lifeless. Of course he looks different and more masculine than 10 years ago. And he’d lost a lot of weight, too much IMO, that’s why his cheeks aren’t so sweetly round anymore.

I’m pretty sure Marie didn’t use a surgery. My mom is 3 years older than she and they both look of nearly the same age. She looked better in the RS than HAND days only because of tons of make-up.

I think Marie looks better through the years even with getting signs of age because she got more “expression”, more self-confidence or whatever. ...and a better hairstyle!

Girl7twenty7 is right, Marie wore a TON of makeup in the RS days. Once I saw her on the street with no makeup and seriously did not recognise her. I was thinking “that old lady has hair like Marie....and that guy with her looks exactly like Micke!” Then I realised with horror that it WAS Marie and Micke. She just looked sooooooooooooo much older without the makeup. But again, I prefer that to a fake plastic face where she always looks surprised (like Per does now....)

In MATAH, Marie wore millions of tons of make-up. I’m not against make-up. Anyway, a lot of people is telling me, plus tdr commentaries, Marie looks older when you see her out clips, tv, cameras... :)

Oh please.. Plastic surgery? No! The man has lost what is it.. 14 kg? Of course his face will change when he looses so much weight!
And also, makeup does alot of work thease days..

Losing weight doesn’t take the lines away!!! I saw an interview with Per on TV, and they showed a clip from the year before and he had huge lines down his cheeks...but when they showed him in the interview the lines were gone! If there is a makeup that can hide lines like that, I want some!!!

I think the whole discussion started because some people - actually everybody - noticed that PG looks a lot better than he used to look a few years ago.

And looking better with age sounds like magic.
So some of us here assumed there was a surgery involved.
I stress my idea once again: looking better with age does not necessarly involve plastic surgery.
It goes like this for certain men. You seem to forget he’s been working out quite much...and he probably gets some facial treatments as well.
He has the same weight for quite a while so the skin also tends to “fit” him now better than in 2001.


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