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Per, Marie, both...?

11 replies

It’s so funny to see a lot of times in that forum people saying if Per is better than Marie or Marie than Per. And that it is included moderators (it was so clear when some of them gave their opinion about “The Change”).
I think is not like politics parties... I like Roxette so much and it’s true that Per has taken songwriter’s role and Marie her voice in Roxette but the mix of two is that great music I have been listening sooo many years. And Per and Marie (both) have shown they are fantastic musicians in their solo’s careers.
Per or Marie? There is no doubt for me: BOTH. Different styles, different good things.

I agree with you 100%. I’m getting tired of that flaming and stuff.

Oh yeah... It is the truth... :)

Well, I wish for a Roxette album in which I can see more songs written by Marie that are given the arrangement touch of Per. Much of Roxette’s songs are of Per’s interpretration anyway. They sound nice but don’t have much depth in lyrics or emotional expression: the reason why I am always happy when listening to Roxette’s songs.

sure both, but there is nothing wrong with having your faves too, right? I’m into GT above all for instance ;)

I never liked GT. I find it dull...

I totally agree with miguelsocialist.

me too

Roxette was the best they’ve ever done. No doubt about it

I totally agree with you Miguel! Gyllene Tjej is also right, there’s nothing wrong with having favourites (I am a huge Marie fan and not so much Per or GT) but it’s been so stupid lately with everyone attacking Marie or Per to try to prove that their favourite is the best. Some people seem to have the idea that if Per is more successful then they are somehow better than Marie fans or’s crap! They are two completely different artists in a band together and it’s not a competition between Marie, Per or GT!

well said :) Comparisons made on the sales basis are just crap, it’s all in the heart, isn’t it? And they’re both unique.Dot.

Oh that was well written!
“It´s all in the heart isn’t it?”
You are so right!


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