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Silver i din hand(?)

13 replies

This one is pretty weird: Yesterday I’ve been out shopping and what do I hear...some woman singing a song in either Italian or Spanish...- Did not listen that carefully to figure out the difference as throughout the whole song I did my utmost to recall what did the song sound like. And then I got it - it had THE SAME rhythm and melody as Maries Silver i din hand.... really sounded like a cover, just more uptempo.

Then some other songs followed in the same language so I suspect that being a whole CD.

Does anyone know anything about it? I know my explanations are kinda elusive, but maybe someone, somewhere has got an idea about that peculiar song? Thanks anyway :)

I heard that once too! Can’t recall which song it was though...

I’ve heard it, and I didn’t think they were similar at all. Let me find the mp3 again.

oh, cool, so i am not alone then :) Shall you find it Tev, or anyone else drop it here [email protected] -it does handle big attachments.

And haha, if it does not sound similar at all then it proves my excellent hearing abilities :D

Deleted it it seems... :S

did you consider it that crappy? :D Nevertheless i hope someone can help me on that one. If not a readymade mp3, then a title and singer will do, will get it from dc++ or so. Thanks!

Are you talking about the italian singer Laura Pausini??? she had a song that was quite similar to silver in din hand

haven’t got a clue actually. If you by any chance know the title it will help to refine my search :)

The first time I listened to ’Silver i din hand’ (it was last August, when I bought the “Kärlekens Guld” set), Laura Pausini’s song brought into my mind. I don’t know the title of her song, but it sounds very similar. I tried to find her CD with this song, because I wanna see if the song is stated as written by Marie. But I couldn’t, I don’t know the title of the song!!! Maybe it is very similar, I don’t think the song is a exactly a cover version. Anyway, ’Silver i din hand’ is one of my favourites Marie’s song. I wonder why it was not included on the “Äntligen” compilation. It was even released as a single, it MUST be there. Sadly, it was replaced by the boring (and non-single) ’Mot ökanda hav”...

FOUND IT! For anyone who bothers it’s Emergencia de Amor :) Not that it is something so hype, but I can always share if you want it :D I still claim it’s similar - if not stolen. Marie should be in the credits. Is she? ;)

I have downloaded the song. It’s slightly similar, more a coincidence than a plagiarism. It’s not the same song, just the chorus is a little similar. Laura is not a robber... I’d like to have a cover of “Silver i din hand”, anyway. I think is a very good song, among Marie’s best.

I like Laura’s song, as well. I like her style. She has some success here in Argentina, specially with her songs in Spanish. “Emergencia de amor” (it means “Emergency of love”) was one of her hits. It was recorded in Italian too (“Un’emergenza d’amore”), but her Spanish pronunciation is perfect (both languages are pretty similar).

The credits are:
Lyrics: Pausini-Cheope-Pacciani
Music: Buffat
Spanish lyrics: Pausini - Pixin - Tristán

Nothing to do with Marie, at last!

@gyllene_tjej please can mail me the song? Am so interested what it sounds like! [email protected] Thx!! :)

I don’t think that the songs are very similars. only when start. That’s all! Both songs are Great!!! I don’t think that Laura stole it Marie.

you made me curious... ;-)))


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