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young fans???

28 replies

Hi there!

I just wanted to know whether here are some fans who are younger than 19, 18 17?

Yup there are. :)

and where? How old are you?

Ah it isn’t me... i’m 27. :) But I know of several young’uns... 15 youngest I know of.

I’m younger! I’m 14!!! ;-))

I’m only 17 - but I’ve liked Roxette since Almost Unreal was a single in the UK!

I’m 16!

I’m 12 and three quarters

Wow 12 and I thought I’m one of the youngest

This is real cool. :) The young people should hear this wonderful music, so it can stay alive for much longer.

and how old are you?

agree, feels quite special to find some youngsters who are into Rox now. I guess most of us were around 14 15 back then, when the fever started :)

17 here..

wow, Steven your 16!! i thought you were much older!

Well, I’m 19, looks quite old here *LOL*. But my passion for Roxette started when I was 13-14.

Steven, is it true??
I guess, we all think of you a bit elder :)

I´m 16, too!

IT’S TRUE!!! (SOBS)...



I was 11 when I became a fan

I mean fans who are now 12, 13, 14, 15

I’m not really 12 btw, i was being sarcy; expecting a just as sarcy reply from denny but still lol
I actually 17

i am 18 but I have been a fan since my brother played the look for me when i was 6-9 years

i knew at least a couple of those answers were bulls*it lol

i’m 19 :P

I’m 22. But been a fan since 1988!

fan since 1991 - actually more than half of my life! I’m almost 27 - uh, I’m getting old - HELP ;-)

I’m a fan since I was 9!!!


And I think Zaine’s full of shit too ;-)

I’m 30 years old and I started listening to Roxette back in 1989... so that would make it a whoppin 16 years ago, putting me at just recently turned 14 when I heard The Look.

I’m borne -90 , I’ve always been a Roxette fan..


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