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Help Me on this!!!

12 replies

I just placed an order for Marie’s The Change CD over the internet. Right now I am quite unsure whether I should proceed in getting the album (I haven’t paid or do money transfer so my order hasn’t been processed yet) as I fear the album wouldn’t up to my liking. That, and also the fact that I am quite short in cash.

I managed to download ’April Snow’ from *** and even though I think the lyrics is very meaningful and very unRoxette, that is too much soul and jazz to me (which I am not a fan of). I heard 2nd Chance from her official page and quite like it. I realised that Marie put more feeling and emotion to her songs more than Per did, which I like but lacks the catchyness of Roxette.

I am hoping that people who have bought it can tell me how the album sounds as to help me in getting the album. So can you guys help me?

As always it’s a matter of taste. Some songs are more catchy, some more soul/jazz. Have you read the TDR review of the album?

I have a hunch it’s mostly girls who fall for the album more. It IS special, beautiful and moving - even from a Gessle fan perspective. But well, it’s up to you to decide. Shall you be dissatisfied go and sell it on ebay or something :)

I don’t like it... I liked some of it at the beginning, but I don’t listen to it anymore. I got fed up of pressing the fast forward button on my cd walkman.

I listen to the other Marie albums instead.

I didn´t like it either... Her voice is amazing in this album, of course, but the songs are really really really boring in my humble opinion. I only like “Mother” (and they ruined this song in the end) and “2nd Chance” (that sounds like a average song if you compare to Per´s last songs for GT or solo), and that´s it... the rest of the album is weird and boring as hell... specially that awful song called “The Change”.

As a Gessle fan, I´m into the catchy kind of song... and this album is not like that.

Anyway, it´s up to you decide... good luck ! :)
All the best

Marie has a very unique style of writing music. It has no similarity to Roxette’s style of music.

I listened to her album once and won’t listen to it again. I just don’t like that style of music.

The best advice I can offer is to listen to some of the samples of the album that are available on the Internet.

I think a Swedish newspaper had a bunch of them, but I don’t recall the links.

Each one can have your own opinion... but I think “The Change” is a good album. I like more “2nd chance”, “Mother” and “All about you” :)

Which isn’t helping them decide is it? What a bunch we are. :D

What one person likes the other might not type thing. It’s a case of, try before you buy if you can in this case.

I am more a Marie fan, I just don’t like this album anymore. :( *Bows head in shame*

Thanks for the replies!!!

I only managed to sample 2nd Chance. I tried everywhere but I don’t seem to find any website that have samples of the songs. Tried but there were only some track listing and reviews.

Can somebody help me on this? Thanks a lot.

Just look through the The Daily Roxette articles. There must be link to snippets of a few Marie songs on Aftonbladet.

And I truly like the album The Change!

*edit* Found the link:),2789,552927,00.html


Let me say something. When “The Change” was released, I was very excited about it. I’m from Argentina, and like all the people know, the album was not released here. Well, I didn’t have another choice than download the songs. I know that is not 100% legal, that’s not the point here, anyway...

The first time I listened to those songs I said: “Oh, my God. Why did she do THIS?” I was very pleased with her Swedish stuff, and I must reckon my first meeting with “The Change” was not very possitive. The files stayed on my hard disc for a while.

After some weeks, I did something. I listened to the songs again, but reading the lyrics at the same time. That was when the magic started. I couldn’t believe how goog those songs are. They are 100% plenty of meaning, each song is a story on its own. They are not stupid songs about lost love or things like that. The arrangements are really delightfull, specially the strings. It’s an album for adult people. It doesn’t mean it’s boring... It’s not a CD for a teen, because you must understand those wonderful lyrics in order to enjoy this recording. And some of them are really catchy, like “Love 2 Live”, “All You’ve Gotta Do Is Feel” and “All About You”. The record is NOT boring, lyrically nor musically.

Some people has said it grows inside you, everytime you play it. I didn’t agree at first, now I must admit that’s true. Now I play the songs every day, I need to hear these songs every day. And I have ordered the original CD: I have spent 17 euros. And believe me, that’s too much if you live in Argentina. I wouldn’t spent that amount if the album is crap. The aim of this record is 100% personal, Marie’s way to show her feelings after her illness. She didn’t want to hit the charts, she didn’t want to record a commercially successful album. She wanted say what she had to say... I have “promoted” this album with some friends I have. They are from Canada, Spain. They have agreed the album is very good.

If you wanna listen to a good and well arranged album written from an adult point of view, buy The Change. If you more catchy but empty, meaningless songs (like Per’s or GT stuff), don’t buy it. Personally, I prefer this kind of stuff. Catchier songs are better at first, but after a few listenings they became boring, ’cause they have NOTHING to say. That’s the reason I never liked GT: they have more airplay, but they have nothing worth to say.

I hope you are going to buy the CD: I bet you won’t be disappointed. It worths every cent.


Check ou this page:

After registeringyou can listen to all songs....

I think you should buy the album, listen a few times and if you don’t like it, you can put it away. Nobody can tell you if you will like it or not because you’re the only one who can decide. But if you’re a fan then at least buy the album for your collection, and even if you absolutely hate it then the worst thing that happens is you only wasted a bit of money. You could always sell it on Ebay if it’s that bad!!!!


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