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Roxette - No news is good news

17 replies

Who here thinks if and when a next Roxette album is in the works in the studio with Marie, will Per do as he has done recently with GT and his solo album Mazarin and keep it secret from us for most of the recording!? :)
Or will he let us know when they really start? I think he will hide it from us until they are happy and confident in what they have done, then spring it on us! That seems his way recently. What do you think?


I’m sure they will keep it secret as long as possible.

Do you really think that there will be a new Roxette record this year?

Per did the same with Mazarin. There wasn´t any informations that he has already started recording solo album. Here comes news in the beginning of May 03 that there will be released new solo album in June, which was really surprise. Nobody knows that Per worked in the studio the whole winter.

I’d like to think that way. But for me it’s: no news is no news. I don’t think Roxette is doing nothing nowadays as a band. Sure when time comes it’ll be the biggest secret to us as we’re use to.

In the end of the day... Who knows?


I don’t think we will become a new album this year. think marie need a lot more time and power for something like that. a roxette album has to be promoted, this is not the same game like “the change”. When roxette is producing an album does it cost much more. and that money should come back. without promotion this is nearly unpossible.

i think the next thing we will see is roxette as headliner at one of the following “heineken night of the proms” tour.

what do you think?


I don’t know if that is... I hope so because it would be a pity Roxette split...
Per, if you are reading these words (or someone near to you), please a lot of people want you and Marie to do a new fantastic album. I know I’m just no one to say if Roxette have to record or not, but I’d like so much. Anda so many people...


Not this year... but maybe next!

2006– 20th Anniversary of the formation of Roxette!

According to the table on this website,

Per and Marie deserve either china, or something platinum. Hoo hah. I hope it’s the latter, and shaped like a record.

hehe nice one Anarem :-D

I don’t think that Marie & Per are sitting in the studio right now. Maybe, Per has done a few demos that He thinks fit Roxette better than his solo songs.
I have hopes for 2006:)

as you all know per promised a new album coming on this year. well, I think it will be an album in inglish and that is because per´s been missing the outside of sweden.

later on 2006, he will have prepared some new songs and “if marie says: Ok” then we´re all gonna get an aniversary tour of roxette inside sweden (with a few concerts) and “if maries says: No” then we´re all gonna get a new tour of Per. anyway personally I think we´re all gonna get a new tour on the next year. I really hope a roxette´s tour but if we get a per´s tour I´m gonna be happy too even though I finally admit that roxette is over. something very inside me tells me that if roxette won´t come back on the next year then roxette will never be back again.

note that these are only thoughts of me.


Thank you, thank you, I do try to amuse :-)

I wish a new Roxette album but I think new album won´t go out this year but in 2006 certainly! Roxette will celebrate 20th years! And then maybe tour! I hope.

I know! What about the special 20 anniversary best-of compilation? I think it would be great. It’s been so long that Roxette released a compilation album. We are waiting it two years already. I miss so much the times when we were discussing about what hits they should include...
it’s a joke of cours.

Anyway, I think it would be lovely to get a new album. Yeah, a tour would be wonderful. But maybe we shouldn’t expect it. Just a good new album would be enough for the beggining and to see Per and Marie in good shape together again.

A new compilation is not a good idea... It’s better a new album, and Roxette can make it if Marie says OK (why not?).
I think 2006 can bring us a new album but only time will talk :)


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