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Can you imagine the videos?

20 replies

Can you imagine the videos that were never made? Cause “Cooper” video is so clear in my mind. I don’t want to let this post much long, turning it into a script for the video. But if I was the video director:
a) Per and Marie should learn to dance waltz (to that instrumental part of the music...)
b) It would be shot at a castle (to make it a little dark...)
c) It would leave a doubt: What happened to Marie’s character: was it killed or just disappeared?

Oh yes - I can imagine Stars: it has lots of fun & bright colours & fast movements & smiling happy people & no ducks... Rich ;-)

I imagine “Stars” video in that way, too! Something like “falling stars showing where do smiling and happy people are”...

Oh! I imagined something like that for Stars too.

And i think my video matches the song better than the real one.

And it goes something like this:

At night and it’s the front of an elevator in a modern tower that lead us up to a very big disco where’s a lot of different people. Full of color lights but with blacks too and people dancing. In the front there’s a stage where obviously Roxette plays the song with a full band and lot’s of energy and fun. At the same time there’s a guy looking for a girl. The band playing, Marie singing and having a blast, this guy and this girl, and so on. Until the part where the song slows down and now it gets to silence. That’s when they finally meet each other and starts talking and stuff. And that’s the moment where Per press a button and the roof opens and let the people see a wonderful sky full of stars and rays of color lights (like northern lights) Then the band play again and the people is so excited and jumping and that’s the end of the song. The last image comes right after showing the couple together watching the stars and it’s Marie walking towards the backstage then it fades black.

And for Cooper i imagined something close to the lyrics but mainly both of them singing in an abandon train station with some blurry takes and in a green-maroon orientated photography.


Just think of what the hot video of Hotblooded might have been..

Well, Here is my description for “Cooper” video:
It would be situated around 1890, so all the objects would fit to that epoch. The phrases in parenthesis are the lyrics where the following descriptions starts.

(introduction, before the music really starts) Marie is wearing a very long dress. She drives a car and stops at the entrance of a big mansion(that she never saw before), to get sheltered from the storm that is about to come.
(the music begins) Marie enters at the big mansion where she founds a big hall. She’s kinda scared, cause the space is a little dark. Then she approaches at the wall where she watches five pictures of young women. Per is watching her from the top of the stairs, without her knowing.
(cooper went out...)Marie looks at him, a little scared.
(latest night...) Per begins to descend the stairs, and stay at her side, watching that pictures, too.
(cooper went out, walk in...) they start to walk. Per show her very beautiful places through the mansion.
(cooper went out, 3 o’clock...) Now they are at another room, where Per give her a gourgeous dress. Marie gets more and more involved by Per’s gentleness, that’s why she begins to sing with him “someone sad, they saw...”
(cooper went out, that’s all there is...) Marie is now dressed with her new dress, and very happy, watching herself at a big mirror.
(and there’s a voice...) Now Per and Marie begins to descend the stairs, each one in a different stair. The stairs are located at a very big hall. When they get at the floor...
(instrumental...) They start to dance waltz, and in a good way! At the end at this instrumental part, the camera closes at Marie’s face, showing her completely involved by Per’s gentleness.
(and there’s a sound...) Per takes a picture of Marie...
(give me the number...) Per and Marie are eating dinner. She’s completely delighted.
(and may I ask...) Per leads Marie to a bedroom, where she will sleep for that night. Let me let it clear: only Marie enters the bedroom!
(when the other instrumental starts) The time passes away. The camera shows the beginning of a new day. Marie’s car is still at the mansion entrance.
(instrumental part at 03:35) Marie’s bedroom door is opened. She’s not there!
(instrumental part at 03:41) The time passes away. Another girl arrives at the mansion.
(Marie singing “may I ask who’s calling”...) The girl enters the big hall as Marie did (she’s scared, too).
(Marie singing “may I ask who’s calling” for the second time...) She begins to watch that women pictures, too. The camera shows every picture in a slow and continuous way.
(instrumental at 04:06) Per is watching her from the top of the stairs, too! Following, the camera gets a close of the girl’s face, while she’s watching that pictures.
(instrumental part, until the end) The camera remains showing the pictures. And it stops at the last one. Guess what! It’s Marie’s picture! (it’s the last picture that Per’s character grabbed to its dress-weared-women collection!) The image fades out until the end.

So, that’s it! I said before that I wouldn’t make a script, but... I can’t resist!

thats a really interesting view on a clip for that song :-)

For “You Can’t Put Your Arms Around...” video, I imagine it replete of psychodelia: colorful, people dressed as in 70’s and some animation excerpts.

For “Beautiful Things”, I imagine it situated at a flower plantation, but shot in black & white colours! (this thing could disturb a little: a place that is meant to be colorful is showed in black and white...)

Hey folks, do you imagine another version for “Queen Of Rain” video?

Hey alex can I have some of whatever you’re on!!


What do you mean?

Do you want to know about the place where I am?

Well, for “Queen Of Rain” video, I imagine it shot in a rainy day. I imagine a sad Marie, walking barefoot through that wet streets, among people using black umbrellas. Marie just doesn’t seems to care what do the people around her are thinking about her mood.


Please, answer my previous question, I’m not “trying” to be rude with you, when I said “do you want to know about the place where I live”; I just don’t know a lot of phrases since my English is still very poor...

@ alex

This purple dude seems to think you’re into drugs or something, as for now, anywayz...

@animalkingdom (and perhaps @purplemedusa)

I think it’s really sad when drugs are the only answer to someone have some good ideas, or some kind of thoughts that can make it forget the “real world” for a while. So, the things you wrote makes me feel proud of myself, cause I just don’t need drugs at all...

way to go :)

hmmm...I don’t like to picture Marie and Per ’acting’ in the videos, according to the story told in the lyrics...that’s such a rusty, 80’s thing (where rusty determines what’s bad on 80’s that shouldn’t come back).

I’d like to see them ’narrating’ the story as it happens in ATAY...

actually I got a ’conception’ for Stupid...

yes, it’s quite inspired in ’Toy Story’, and it goes like that:

do u remember those magic ’monitors’? u got two ’dials’ in each side and u could draw anything with them...well, the video starts with the boy/girl who owns the toys leaving the room, and the magic ’monitor’ presenting ’Stupid’.

then, the not-that-fun-anymore cowboy appears ’frozen’, as he ’awakes’ up when the boy leaves the room...he looks at the toy box, and they all come out...the ’party begins’...

then...the blonde, tall, blue eyed perfect girl pops uo from there, along with the other dolls and toys, g.i. joes, cars, etc...

and then, as the video goes she shows up in many ways, in accordance with the lyrics - clothes so nice - her vast wardrobe, as any barbie does have / your image bullet proof - the gi joe guys surrounding her, flirting / - stocks always through the roof - her refrigerator, where she takes the food to have a table-talk with her doll friends...

grew up made in the sun - her fabrication is shown very fastly, and the plastic treatment for the dolls is shown too, as she is in the ’production’ line with the other dolls like her / they all loved u from day one - she’s taken from the box and all the other toys appear in the screen, admiring her / always won the guessing games - it shows her playing some table game like ’monopoly’ or something...

always pick the perfect wine - she, with the friends, getting the finest wine in those doll toy markets, while he’s buying a cheaper one, he was thinking to share with her in a dinner or sorta / money sho nuff greener / she pays it a cred card and he with an old rusty wallet and a bunch of coins / with pouring out - she gets a label from the back of a teddy bear and explains, so charmingly, the entire ingredients listed in that label and how they were used, she’s a new, high tech made doll, and those others toys are older (the cowboy the oldest)

well, etc, etc...u can imagine each situation I have all of them in my head, but I’m not feeling like writing much...

in the end when per repeats the chorus as the song goes to its finish, there’s a big race, where the cowboy (which appears for every meaningful lyric showing disappointment and embarassment - specially in the ’my hometown is smaller than ur house’ part...where his ’country’ toy village appears beside those big barbie like doll houses) tries to call her attention...he has to race agains the perfect doll guys (somehow looking like ’Peter Perfect’ hehehe) with his horse, agains the cool cars and racing ones...

he cheats the other toys (with whipes and trying the to take them down), but he doesn’t pay attention to the track that goes beyond the room and reaches the corridor that leads to the house stairs...he falls from the top of the stairs, coz the horse stops before getting to the edge of it (and close his eyes, hehe)’s when the barbie doll sees it and desperately runs to help him...she pulls her wheeled-wardrobe (u know, just like those backstage ones) and dresses like a nurse...she starts to make mouth-to-mouth and massage his chest...he awakes up while she’s doing mouth-to-mouth and pretends he’s still off just to make her keeping on doing that...and then, he winkles to the camera, to end it...hehehehe...


I’m almost picturing your idea!

Now you can make it come true, This is “Thorp Films”, Production Studios, we are putting together a commemoration music video, please send an email to [email protected] with your ideas, pictures clips anything to help us out. Thank you

Well i actually would like to make the video of Queen of Rain....i don’t think taht i would like that Per or Marie wouldn’t apear in this video...or they only shouls watch a different person..a boy...or a doesn’t matter...
Anyway,i wolud like to be a dark day,with clouds and it ill only start to rain when the beat of the song will’s a very sad song,it’s my favorite song for almost 3 years and even today i can not understand better the filosophical meaning of it...i think it’s about love,right?but it’s also a vision over life...The video should also have visual effects.I mean..the video should have a single person in it,a person that is dissapointed because life is cruel,walking in the street and’s different


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