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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Swedish people?

42 replies

Hi roxers!

I would like to know what the swedish people do if they see Marie today on street????

What did you think?

I think they would say Hello

Yes. And they would follow her! I´m sure.

Did you think she goes to the supermarket?

Hmmm... what a question *sigh* ...Sorry for being “rude” but isn’t it a bit strange to ask this? Just my opinion... :(

I met her at the NK´s .
I just said hello and wished them all the best then left. ( Micke was there too.)
I have no right to disturb her privat life.
The same thing with Per.

Nobody else followed her or asked her for autographs when I was there.

@Kattunge, when did you met her? And what is NK´S ?

NK is a big expensive department store.

I actually live in Djursholm and I’ve never seen Marie once the whole time I have lived here. I have heard that she and Per shop and NK quite often but I haven’t seen them.

In answer to your question the Swedish people in general are not jumping all over celebrities when they see them. I’ve seen Rox on the street and been on the train twice with Per, and the Swedes pretty much ignore them. They might whisper “hey that’s Per” but that’s about it. Björn from Abba also lives here in Djursholm and he just shops at the supermarket and nobody bothers him, they just look and keep walking. Swedes have a different attitude to famous people I think.

Oh! I can´t believe that!
I mean they are not normal persons like you and I. They are stars.

Hmmmm very strange! I would ask Marie how she feels and wish her all the best!

@LightHouse; So, how comes they’re not “normal” ppl like you and I??? Come on! I know quite a lot of ppl in Denmark who play music, some for a living, some just for fun.. Well, I have difficulties to get the point they’re not like “us”! ...Yes, Per and Marie are stars, famous people - but never, ever forget they have normal lives like you and I, it’s no big difference ...What’s the difference in your opinion? They just found something we adore and they’re able to make a living of it, it’s pretty cool, but that’s about it, isn’t it??!

This is your opinion!
Marie and Per are very special for me. And it would be amzaing for me to see them in real! I know they are normal people. But for me VERY SPECIAL persons!

Per passed by me in NK once. It was during the HAND days. I was just waiting for a friend when I saw Per, Åsa and Gabriel walking right towards me. They were right besides me. A quick second I thought about saying smething to Per , but then I thought that they might want to be left alone. I respec their privacy. Its a different thing if you meet them when they are working etc etc. I whispered to my friend, “Theres Per Gessle!, Theres Per Gessle!”. He told me I was stupid who didnt say anthing to him, coz my friend knows Im a HUGE Roxette- fan (atic) :)

Per and Marie walk on the street alone? Do they wear sunglasses, hats etc. to keep privacy?

What about security men? Do they EVER walk with P & M when they are in Sweden?

Can you see Marie for example cutting grass and gardening at her yard at the summer time? :D

Do they ever use limousine? (a car).

btw does someone know if they ever ride a bike?? How many car´s do they have?

off topic: I´m sure Agnetha (Abba) is never seen on the streets of Stockholm, she lives as a hermit...

no- no guards or anything. After the murder of Anna Lindh ( in NK by the way) I got a little worried about them..

“btw does someone know if they ever ride a bike??

Yeah, they do. :) Heard that..

I am no Swede! but if I saw Per and Marie or anyone one Rox/GT related in Sweden when I was there on a holiday, I would not run up to them asking for photos etc... or autographs, there is a time and a place, and bugging someone in the middle of NK is wrong... people have to respect there privacy!

Besides I got lucky I have met Per, it was nerve racking the first time, but the second time more relaxed... so in all honesty if he was standing next to me in NK buying something before me I might say Hello but that’s about it!

I would never approach Marie after what she has beeb through recently...

Don’t see any problem with saying hello - might be suprising how many people they recognise in some way. It’s amazing to see those similar faces in the front rows at the concerts.......................

LaMan - by accounts Agnetha does get seen around - not that lucky when I’ve been over there though!

just leave them alone. easy as that. oam.

i am swedish and most of al the swedish people would say hello and leave it to that

where in sweden not like you act some where else like amsterdam when you let britney free thats chaos that soesn,t happen here whe respect everyone,s privacy

i have saw her last september downtown stockholm she loocked tired i just said hi and left it to that and you most of all don,t know what to say you can say something wrong
and that,s really not what you want not to someone you love and respect

and your most of all speacless


she was serpriced couse i look like here exactly

i wasn,t able to say more than hi and hello

but your serpriced your self when you see one of the most famouse people in sweden

and ofcourse mickel was there to

i went of and i haven,t seen them ever since
i was on a visit to my brother happen to live in Djursholm to with our granny i normaly live in the netherlands with my husband (swedish to)

i go on visit sweden alot lately

Maja likes to talk about sweden and more

real friends live forever in your heart

To answer LaMan’s questions: They sometimes wear sunglasses but the times I’ve seen them they don’t disguise themselves at all. I doubt very much that Marie cuts her own grass and from the documentary you can see she spends most of her time in the back garden (I don’t blame her, at her Halmstad summer house some German fans videotaped her hanging her washing). I’ve heard Marie mostly travels in Taxis and I would imagine limosines would be for special occasions.

I’ve heard that Per is usually pretty nice if fans approach him on the street or out shopping and he’s happy to give autographs. I’ve never really met him in “private time”, only after concerts and stuff and like I said I rode on the train with him but I didn’t speak to him then. So I only know what I heard from a girl who lives here that met him quite often.’s hard to say because of course she’s been ill. The times I’ve met her she’s very sweet and happy to sign for fans, though I’ve heard she will say no to photographs if it’s her private time. I haven’t seen her since she got sick so I have no idea if she would sign autographs now. I personally wouldn’t bother her because things are different since she got ill, though I guess if I saw her walking past I might just say hi.

Per’s quite nice when you meet him, but what I dislike is that he doesn’t look at the people he is talking to. :(

Kiwein is totally right! Marie usually tries to talk and look at you like you’re a person, but Per will just sign with his head down and give it back like you’re not there. But I heard other people say he’s so nice and friendly. I met him a few times and I have to say, the only time he was nice to me was when he was drunk! But he’s not a bad guy or anything, at least he bothers to sign at all. Some stars would tell you to f—- off!

Per’s been great to my son and I when we’ve met.

I flew with Marie, Micke, Nord, Jonas - not sure if somebody else, besides Dimberg - from Sto to Göteborg..

Marie + Micke were just walking around, waiting to board.. until some freaks went to her *grrrr* and then she was “forced” to go to a VIP area and “hide” and get on the plane last - she was in the first rows for what we could see from the veeery back of the plane. No need to say the freaks were not swedish ;)

When we got to Göt she didn’t hide, actually we picked up a bag at the belt next to her, but she looked pissed (not to us, in general) and after a while (we were already far) she put her sunglasses on. I am not sure if somebody approached her before getting to the belt or after or somebody nagged her on the plane, but she didn’t look so happy - it might be because of the flight itself, but I doubt it. :P Anyway, whoever it was, was not Swede :)

The same happened with other artists I’ve been with :) I like the Swedish way *thumbs up*

he doesn’t look at the people he is talking to. :(


When I met Per, he was really nice.
He was talking to us, not only signing.

@LaMan: that’s the impression I got! Somebody asked some things and he didn’t even look at the person ONCE while answering! Maybe he had a bad day - he is different at signing sessions, of course.

LaMan: as Kiwein said he’s different depending on what he’s doing, but I have to say I’ve met him 9 or 10 times both privately and on “star time” and he tends to sign and shove the autograph at you, or ignore you completely if you’re just trying to say hi. I’m sure he has friendly moments but I haven’t really seen any except for once in a bar when he was drunk, he was super nice to me then! I’ve met Marie something like 22 times and she’s really sweet and kind...but look out when she’s in a bad mood - then it’s wrrreeooowow run for your life!!!!

My friend Brett was on a plane with Marie and he sent a note to her asking if he could have a photo or autograph. She sent a message back to him that she would wait in the airport after they got off the plane - she actually did wait for him and happily posed for photos with him. She’s a sweetie.

Marie I hope it’s not the same flight I described above because that day she was pissed ;)

Haha lol no it was a flight in Switzerland :) From what I heard she was very nice to my friend.

I saw Per at the Brussels airport once, I didn’t approach him but I did wave when he looked straight at me while I was waiting for my own plane. He gave me a nod...but jeez, it was the kind of nod that you would expect from the king of the world. I wanted to shout “Hey Per it’s not like you’re GOD or anything!” LOL just kidding....I’ve never seen him be really rude or nasty, it’s just that he’s been kind of unfriendly when I’ve met him, both in 1995 and 2001. Who knows maybe I’ll bump into him here in Sthlm one day and he’ll be super friendly and I’ll take it all back!

@Sparvogamarie: I got the very interested in that story when you met PER at a bar. Could you tell more??? Was it after one of ROXETTE’s concerts on ROOM SERVICE tour???

Auryte: Yeah it was after the Karlstad show, a big group of fans were having a party at a bar. Per and the band turned up and were heading for the VIP room and my friend Nienke convinced them to join everyone else at the bar (Nienke is incredibly beautiful, so all the guys in the band immediately followed her and Per had nobody to party with so he came too.) He pretty much stood and drank beer the whole time, and I have to say he was very very nice about all the fans who constantly interrupted him while he was trying to talk to friends. A Swedish girl wanted a photo with him but she was too nervous so we decided to ask him together, and he was very kind about posing for the photos. At the end of the night he was completely drunk and shouting stupid things like “I have to WORK wait I’m not working, I have to be PARENTS tomorrow!” It was really funny and Per was really cool that night.

Hej Sparvogamarie, tell me from your meetings with Marie ... (-;

Just another little thing: well, I know something about this story from Karlstad. But what I knew was that ASA was also there, wasn’t SHE? And SHE told PER to go home.

I don’t think so, at least I didn’t hear her. Åsa was there but she seemed to be having a good time drinking and talking. No they left because the bar closed at 2, my friend Cisca said “What kind of place closes at 2??” and Per said “Sweden!” Everyone was still having a good time and I think the party would have gone longer if the bar stayed open, so I don’t think it was Åsa who made anyone leave.

Crashi: email me and I’ll tell ya all about it :) The last time I talked about my meetings with Marie here on smalltalk I got accused of bragging and being “precious”. Unfortunately lots of jealous ppls around :

my email: [email protected]


Please tell us about your meetings with Marie! Ignore the jealous fools :-)

I’ve just spent half an hour reading your Worship page - It’s really great. I especially enjoyed the quotes.

“If Playboy ring me up I would definitely say no!”


Yeah, ignore these stupid peoples!!!

@sparv: Yup, agree with the others, more stories, ignore the idiots... (-:

I’ve met P&M at three autograph sessions, they’ve always been great, smiling and attentive, but of course this was while they were “working” so to speak. One time was in Boston, in 2000 at MixFest, during the Corrs’ set... I got the impression that Marie didn’t really want to be there (not that she wasn’t nice, she just seemed to be not quite herself) and found out later that she wasn’t feeling well and only came to the signing when somebody told her that this was the only chance a lot of US fans would have to meet her.

A few days later some friends and I just happened to meet up with Per on Fifth Ave. in New York... he was just standing there on the street corner waiting for a friend who was in one of the shops and he looked completely caught off guard (and maybe a little scared!) when all of these people in Roxette/Marie/GT t-shirts started coming towards him. Pretty funny, he was nicer than he should have been anyway, signing autographs and posing for pictures. It was a great memory, for sure!

Well ok but if I get flamed it’s your fault :)

I’ll tell my first meeting with was after the first Äntligen solo concert in Borgholm which was a pretty cool place for my first meeting cos it was inside the castle from the Listen to your heart video. I was actually looking for my friend Nienke, and while I was searching I suddenly saw Marie in a window. She was sitting doing interviews. The magazine asked her to pose with some fans, so she came out and hugged six fans (I was lucky number six!) I couldn’t really speak at all, I wanted to tell her that I had come from Australia just to see her but my mouth had frozen! I got an autograph, then Marie posed for some pix and I got to stand with my arm around her. The next day there was a picture of me and Marie hugging in the newspaper!

Interesting to read the stories about real life meetings with Per and Marie! Perhaps there are more? (I’ve just seen them on stage.)


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