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"The Change" - An amazing piece of music!

23 replies

After waiting I got today my The Change and I am loving it! Definitively a Marie record in all senses leaving apart a bit of that more introspective aspect of her music that is echoed in “Enya” sort of like sounds and tunes ... in this case we find a pure live recorded album with full of energy contrasted with more deep afterglow feelings moody but from the heart. It’s obvious a Marie fan will instictively adore it it makes all sence and that non Marie so big fans will not be so keen on it and that’s natural too.

Love to Live, All You Got To Do is Feel, 2:nd Chance, Mother, April Tears and Bad Moon are my obvious favourites!

The jazzy moody style, the guitar sounds from Staffan echoing to me sounds and songs from the late 60s, the all whole live feeling into it, Marie’s voice is definitively incredible here ... from high energetic vocals to more sweet trembling one Maries show it all with no fear! Well done! It’s funny I think that “Beautiful Things” could have been part of this record it contains so much of it...

“Many Time” has a bit too repetitive chorus but then again it’s a very powerful sounding song! It also reminds me a lot of older songs like “Herren Beg För Dig” and “Det regnar igen” or also “BT” again in the verses! “Mother” is an incredible song beautiful totally addicted to its chorus.... “Bad Moon” ...well u know by now how much I love this track....”Love To Live” i haven’t been to stop belting out this one as loud as possible and a friend of mine is going nuts because of me yeah cool!
“April Snow” i like how slowly it incredible changes into a moody bar guitar song into this big tremendous gospel track ...artistically well done!

agree :D


Totally agree ;)

I guess Thomas is the only one who will no agree for obvious perish reasons LOL anyway i am surprised u are all agreeing with me what? xmas spirit in r souls? LOL

I totally disagree, so count me in Thomas team :D

love her album over everything this is a master pease

every song is well choosen and wel done by our surprisingly marie

love her docu will get it on dvd i designed the cover of her dvd my self




Love 2 Live such kind a Rock’n’Roll Music. I like it when Marie yelled “Hee-hahh..”.

I´m with Thomas and Anti Mario... this album is boring as hell !! JMHO !! :)

I was just playing the album and thinking how much I am loving it... soooo good!

lonegunman: go back to playing your sugar coated Gessle songs...not that there’s anything wrong with that ;)

Why, whenever music hint’s of deeper-than-surface, does it get compared to Enya? *vomits*

I don’t hear anything that remotely resembles Enya in “The Change” (thankfully!)... “See Me” and maybe “Entering Your Heart” have a bit of that flavour, but not “The Change”...

Agree, great album! I for one would be happy if she continues solo.
Finally an album in english with some depth. Maybe not the CD I will listen to every day, but definately not the kind of work that sounds dated within a short period of time!
GREAT WORK, hope there’s much more to come!

I also loved THE CHANGE. My fav songs are 2:ND CHANCE, MOTHER, LOVE 2 LIVE, APRIL SNOW, A TABLE IN THE SUN. Fantastic work!!!

One of Marie’s best recordings and far better than anything Roxette has done the last years. However, at times the lyrics are a bit too explicit, eg in 2nd Chance. That may be a matter of taste, though.

I love it. Truly, madly, deeply. I even became “resurrected” fan because of it. It touches my soul and it really goes under the surface. I didn’t expect anything like that from Marie maybe cos I didn’t know her swedish solo staff before and roxette is just so light and simple. But now I’m discovering it, eventually. I love April Snow and Table in the Sun. WOW, great music, great voice and absolutely fabulous woman.

I wanna hear April Snow (Alternative Version) in All About You Single... Where I Find it??

“Definitively a Marie record in all senses leaving apart a bit of that more introspective aspect of her music that is echoed in “Enya” sort of like sounds and tunes..”

This was meant to mean and in fact it DOES mean that in opposite to Den Stadigen Resan and other songs recorded around that time for Roxette by Marie ... The Changes does not possess that “Enya” echoing feeling and musicality and surprisinggly shes had echoes before...

Do absolutely not agree... so count me in to Thomas and Antimarios gang as well... ;)

Btw, jumping on Enya seems to be fine but as soon as someone has something bad to say about MF/PGs music then war is breaking loose. That’s really childish I think.

Maybe I’m going blind in my old age, but where has anyone jumped on Enya? I just see two comments that ppl didn’t think MF’s album sounded like Enya (which it doesn’t).

@Sparvoga: Well, I think the sentences “does it get compared to Enya? *vomits*” and “I don’t hear anything that remotely resembles Enya in “The Change” (thankfully!)” both sound a bit Enya negative...

Ah, missed the vomit one! I didn’t think “thankfully” was that bad though. You have a point though I imagine if some big Enya fans turned up the same arguments would happen, it’s not just Rox fans. Go to any artist’s site and you’ll find them all arguing over what was the best album or the best member of the band. I personally think it’s interesting to disagree and read other ppl’s views, it would be damn boring if everyone thought the same thing.

Back on topic: I think The Change can’t compare to Den Ständiga Resan, but it’s a good album in a different way. It’s not exactly my taste in music but I can appreciate it for all the hard work Marie put into it.

@sparvoga: No, there I fully agree with you! It would be really dull if everyone thought the same. But why I wrote that in the first place was because I think it is always allowed to throw up on other artists than Per or Marie here. Well, sure, the MF fans are vomiting over Per and the PG fans the other way round, but that is not really the same. One can say “I hate Britney Spears” here without getting flamed. Well, that’s fine (not only because I don’t like Britney, hehe), but one should be allowed to dislike MFs (or PGs) music without getting flamed for it all the time (which is happening to Thomas over and over again just because he was so critical in a review months ago). THAT is really super childish in my opinion.
Hope that was clearer now?! ;-))

Sorry for messing up the topic!! ;)

Well yeah I agree with you, though in the case of Thomas I didn’t have a problem with his opinion, just that it was a really horrible review on the front page of the site and I felt that it was a bit harsh. I know a lot of people disagree, but I don’t like it when people attack a cancer patient’s work. If it had been a normal album, then fine but I think this was a special album considering what she went through to make it. Pulling it to pieces on the front page of the number one Rox news site seemed cruel to me, and I still think that though I have no problems with Thomas personally!

And Britney does suck :p


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