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A Table in the Sun - A real tear jerker...

11 replies

I don’t post on here too often, but I felt compelled to say something about this song.

This song just gets me... I don’t know what it is, maybe the way Marie is signing it, the production, those guitar riffs, the personal lyrics. Something about this song gives me chills. I rarely get emotionally attached to a song, but something about this song really tears me up.

I know this album’s purpose is to give us a glimpse into Marie’s experience over the past couple of years, but I think this song nails it. There are places where it really seems like she is crying while singing it and that really chokes me up. I can’t imagine what the past two years must have been like for her.

I applaud her for sharing her experience with us through this album.

That’s all... goodnight. Daniel

My favourite song so far is ALL ABOUT YOU. In my opinion, it’s very close to ROXETTE style.:)

Thanks for sharing that Daniel, it was really nice to read. I really love this kind of really personal song and actually I was a little disappointed that The Change doesn’t have more songs like Table, songs where you almost get inside Marie’s head and understand exactly what she felt. I really love the line in The Change where she says “far away I heard you cry”. I really know what she is talking about, when you get such shocking and horrible news like she did, suddenly everything sounds far away and it’s like you’re in a bubble. So when Micke started to cry it seemed miles away because she was in such shock herself. I totally relate to that. I love music that puts you in the shoes of another person.

Table, 2nd Chance and The Change are really the only songs that directly deal with her illness which she wrote herself. It was interesting to hear Micke’s songs about it but I have to say I really wanted to hear more from Marie about her feelings during this time.

oh yes this song is fantastic, every single tune is a part of a feeling, a feeling itself.. listening to this song is like drawning into marie’s heart or something, if that can be used as an explanation.

my favourite from the clips i heard....i also cried the first time i heard it.....i just hope CDwow delivers the album tomorrow...getting impatient now

Yeah Jud I know exactly what you’re saying. It’s like...I really love Marie as a person, but I don’t know her. I can’t talk to her, I can write but she won’t write back, so the only way to know her is to listen to her music. These personal songs let us into her mind and heart and it lets us get to know her.

This is one of the songs on “The Change” that could have been a really good song. If they completely stopped using that extremely annoying electric guitar and skipped the electric piano and used a real one would do it for me.

I love this song, only heard it the once as I just got the album but it is really deep what an emotional song, one of the deepest songs from Marie. And I too love when you can listen to a song and feel what the singer is feeling, lyrically and musically brilliant.

I was initially sceptical of the electric guitar, but I now think that it’s wonderful :-) All the best, Rich

Rich -

I totally agree. The guitar makes the song for me. It’s so haunting and gives the song a sense of loneliness and pain. Added to the way Marie delivers some of the lines, it’s like the guitar is reflecting what she feels in side. (not to sound too corny)


I’m in love with this song.....a real standout track for me...wish the intro was a little shorter though...a full minute before she sings and nothing much happens

oooh yes the guitar.. it completes 100% with Marie’s voice and singing.. :P~ staffan rules!


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