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Really roxette - What's the song marie sings??

19 replies

I’d like to know what the song is that Marie sings in the Really Roxette doco, its around 10 mins. It’s been bugging me for quite a while!!


In swedish?? if yes, Sparvöga

She sings quite a few songs in that doco, can you be more specific??! As said above, the Swedish song is Sparvöga. But she also sings IMHBL, Cry, Help, Love is All...where and when is the song that you’re looking for?

Yes, I think that is what he means (the Swedish one), because I’ve been wondering the same thing.

wasn’t the Sparvoga clip in The Making of Joyride?

@Anarem: I’m pretty sure it is, yeah. I should look at my DVD again...when I can get near a DVD player, hehe.

sorry, my bad, i should have said “swedish song”.

If you skip once in RR then you should end up right in the middle of the song.

So it’s Sparvoga! ok thanks. Now if only i can get a copy of it....

i think i might end up buying some of marie’s older albums. I can’t understand anything but it sounds really good!!

Yeah, very impressive song.

RobS: If you only buy one MF album, get Äntligen greatest hits. But if you’re really going to splash out and get them all, I highly recommend the Kärlekens Guld boxset!! I can give you all the translations too if you need them, a guy called Tobi made a great booklet for the boxset that you can print out, it has all the lyrics so you’ll have no problems understanding!

Sparvogamarie, that booklet by Tobi which you mentioned, does it include also the translations to Marie’s songs? And, if so, would you then please send the file to me too? Most appreciated. :)

It’s on in the Multimedia section. Let me know if there’s a problem downloading it.

Thank you, Sparvogamarie! :) And nope, no probs downloading. :) I see these are the translations you had on Worship before, I had these saved already (of course!!!)! ;) Thank you all the same, and for your wonderful work with Worship! ;) Looking forward to the full comeback of it! :D

Oh thanks Sweepi, you’re very kind. I’m working on the site right now, but it’s a slow process because there is a problem with the server. When I upload something to the site it changes the name, then it won’t work until I change the name back. So it takes a looooooooooong time, very annoying!

It is never too long to wait for something worth it. ;) And again big thanx for the wonderful work of yours with Worship! :)

I completely forgot about the GH album, thanks for the reminder, i think i’ll get that one :-)

BTW do any other non-swedish speaking people here try and sing in swedish when you listen to a song?? or is it just me :-P

@RobS: LOL well I always sing along in Swedish even though I have no idea what I am singing! Actually I’m sure it was ’Sparvoga’ that really grabbed me when I first watched the ’Really Roxette’ doco and that moved me to buy all Marie’s stuff and I have never looked back, love it!

So that’s the reason why Sparvogamarie’s website is not working sometimes.

Rob: Yeah definitely get Äntligen because the song Äntligen is one of her absolute best! The pictures in the booklet are also worth it, she looks AMAZING. Oh and while you’re there, I highly recommend the Äntligen Tour DVD, it was a GREAT concert plus there’s videoclips and a big interview (unfortunately in Swedish with NO subtitles which sucks, but the translation is somewhere on my site)

....Sparvogamarie lures another Roxette fan over to the dark side of Marie fandom *evil laugh*

Auryte: Yeah things won’t be working properly for a while especially the pix which will be down for several more weeks. I think most of the site is working except pix & articles, but thanks to the name-change error on the server it could take a while.

Thanks sweepi for the songs - it looks like i’m definitely a Marie convert now!!

@sparvoga... I downloaded the lyrics that you have on, thanks alot, it’s nice to know what she’s singing about - and now i can try and sing properly instead of mumbling weird words lol

Can anyone link me to a site that might have Antligen for cheap. Only one i can think of is amazon and they’re asking US$40 for $90 i can get “Karlekens Guld”, and it has 6 discs!!

Rob: email me sparvoga @ I can get it for $20 plus postage :)


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