The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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8 replies

Why dont you reply him??????????? TDR is full of Swedish speakers!!

Is there anyone who can tell me what the backup singers are singing in the chorus? I can’t quite catch the words and I’m fairly certain they’re not taken from the verses or the chorus itself. It’s what the men sing on the album “Den Sjunde Vågen”, and whatever is sung by the backup singers on the live version.

No Swedish speaking Marie fans to answer this question? :(

I’m moving so I have packed all my CDs, else I could’ve checked for you.

good luck with the move tev! I know its off topic, but I thought it would be nice to say so.

best wishes, oam//

Thomas—thanks. Please keep it in mind when you’ve settled. Or not. No biggie. Good luck with the move, at any rate.

Still wondering?

I _think_ it’s
MF: Det är bara min värdighet
-Som står på spel
MF: Min värdighet
-Fråga för det är det (this one’s I’m not sure about ... but it could be anything)
MF: Värdighet
-Som står på spel

Thanks! I knew they weren’t from the verses or the chorus. I at least have an idea now.


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