“Shy Northerners” interviewed in Spanish Rolling Stone
Written by administrator on May 5, 2001 to Roxette.
Both Per and Marie were interviewed by quick-witted journalist Patricia Godes for the May, Spanish edition of the legendary rock magazine Rolling Stone. As this monthly publication does not have a website yet (although it has been around for 19 months already!), Roxette fans outside Spain will be pleased to read this translation of the interview:
“They sell millions of records and earn millions of dollars, but they don’t have terrible pasts, emotional dramas or problems with drugs to speak of. Per and Marie, the members of the megapopular Roxette, spend most of their spare time sleeping instead of throwing TV sets through the window, experimenting with drugs or beating sexual prowess world records, as all big stars should do.
Anyway, as we just can’t absorb the fact that some people don’t take advantage of their fame to indulge in the sort of debauchery we’d love to, we just maliciously try to make them talk.
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Roxette special on Finnish TV
Written by roxeteer on May 2, 2001 to Roxette.
MTV3 will broadcast a special documentary on Roxette next Sunday, May 6th. The 35-minute program will feature clips from Roxette’s recent visit to Helsinki as well as from older interviews. Roxette recorded a live performance when they were in Helsinki and that material will also be used in the documentary. The program starts at 15.05 EET (UTC+2).