MTV Nordic shows new video, quotes TDR
Written by roxeteer on March 22, 2001 to Misc.
MTV Nordic has started showing Roxette’s new “The Centre Of The Heart” video. As we reported earlier, one of the scenes in the video has been cut away.
The video features a news ticker recently introduced by MTV Nordic. The ticker is shown during some music videos and it contains a news flash relevant to the artist. During “The Centre Of The Heart” video, MTV tells that a “recent Roxette song” will be featured on a Brazilian soap opera. The most interesting thing here is that MTV has apparently got the news from The Daily Roxette, as they also quote a comment posted by our reader nimbus.
Room Service door opens... and it’s Flash! Boom? Bang?
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on March 21, 2001 to Misc.
STOCKHOLM - Fame Studios, along with EMI and Roxette Recordings, launched the official “Room Service” site located at today. The site – as expected – relies heavily on Macromedia’s Flash animation software. Users with less than broadband access to the Internet can expect to be frustrated by long load times. There are even reports from some fans that the site has crashed their computer.
Fans can download screensavers and desktop wallpaper, watch videos, listen to music, ask Roxette questions and participate in a competition. The prize for the current one is an autographed album and a Roxette “Room Service” bathrobe.
The graphically intense site was developed by Fame Studios, a company that has Per Gessle as an Associate Partner and Marie Dimberg, Roxette’s manager, on the Board of Directors.
- Roxette’s “Room Service” site (Registration required for most functions)
Guest appearance scheduled on Swedish TV program
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on March 21, 2001 to Misc.
Per and Marie will be appear as guests on the Swedish TV4 program “Malou möter…” (“Malou meets…”) this Monday evening at 8:30 pm. The host of the show is Malou von Siwers. She interviewed Marie on the show a couple of years ago.
(Lissie contibuted to this article)
Roxette hits #1 on German airplay chart
Written by taxford on March 21, 2001 to Misc.
TCOTH has climbed to #1 on the official German airplayc harts. Entering at #3, it only took two weeks to top the charts. Just put a German radiostation on and zap - you’ll hear TCOTH.
Stockholm gig is first concert in Sweden in five years
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on March 20, 2001 to Misc.
Roxette’s first “concert” in Sweden in five years will be on Sunday, April 1st at Café Opera in Stockholm. It’s a promotional event held in conjunction with the Swedish all-hit radio network “NRJ”.
Beginning March 24, listeners will have a chance to win a pair of the exclusive tickets.
Located next to Kungstradsgården and across the river from the Royal Palace, the Café Opera restaurant/nightclub is part of the first-class Operakällaren (The Opera Cellar) restaurant complex. The most recent restoration of the entire Opera House building was completed in 1961, and ever since Stockholmers have considered this to be a “hot” (and expensive) nightspot.
Forthcoming interview at Top Radio to be webcast live
Written by administrator on March 20, 2001 to Misc.
As a part of the promo tour, Roxette will be in the Top Radio studios in Vilvoorde, Belgium, this Saturday (March 24th) – the same day as their performance at the Radio Donna birthday party.
They’ll take part in a half-hour interview that will be broadcast live on TV in Belgium and on the internet via the Top Radio website. The interview is expected to start at 10:30 CET.
People having questions for Roxette may forward them to [email protected] (also include your name and contact information as some people will get the chance to ask their questions directly to Per and Marie over the phone). It’s not the first time Marie and Per have visited the dance-oriented radio station. Two years ago they also did an interview and a chat session for Top Radio.
Webcam (requires Media Player 6.4 for audio-only and version 7 for both audio and video):
Austrian Rox fans get new “official” site
Written by joyrider on March 20, 2001 to Misc.
EMI Austria just recently relaunched their company’s website with many upgraded features. Apparently, there was still some money left over in their Internet budget, as they’ve now created a fresh, Flash-enhanced site, specifically for Roxette! With a “retro” look-and-feel that ties into the album’s design, the site offers an opt-in newsletter (in German) via e-mail, and there will be more about Roxette and “Room Service” soon.
- EMI Austria’s Roxette site (In German)
- EMI Austria (In German)
New Roxette song to be featured on Brazilian soap opera
Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on March 17, 2001 to Misc.
One of the most popular primetime television soap operas in Brazil, “Um Anjo Caiu do Céu” (“Down to Earth”), will feature the new “Room Service” ballad “Milk and Toast and Honey” on their soundtrack.
According to EMI Brazil, “Center of the Heart” will not be the lead single (commercial singles are not usually released in Brazil). “Milk and Toast and Honey” will instead be included on the soundtrack of this Globo TV novela about an angel (pictured) that comes to earth to help a father with his problems.
Soap operas are extremely popular in Brazil and therefore, the fans in Brazil are excited as they think this means a guaranteed “hit” for Roxette in Brazil. “If it’s on the soundtrack, then that means it’s going to be a hit,” said one.
Kimie Shimabukuro and Eliel Costa, Jr. contributed to this article.
Roxette’s promotion trip to Spain has place for fans
Written by Jud on March 17, 2001 to Misc.
MADRID - Roxette is going to go to Spain for promotion… not once, but twice!
First, Roxette will be in Barcelona. On March 27th they’ll be appearing in a private showcase performance arranged by EMI. RoxSpain has been given some tickets to distribute to fans. Then, on March 28th, Per and Marie will appear on the TeleCinco program “Cronicas Marcianas.”
On April 3rd, Roxette will be here to appear on the program “Musica Si.” As the studios are located outside of the Madrid city center, there will be charter buses available to transport fans there. On April 4th, there will be a signing session at Corte Inglés in Pl. Sol at about 7 pm.
On the 5th, a TV special about Roxette will be recorded and again, fans can be part of the audience and bus transportation is available.
Further information is available from the RoxSpain website.
- RoxSpain (recently redesigned)
Marie and Per comment on US situation while on VIVA today
Written by cskendras on March 14, 2001 to Misc.
Marie and Per paid a visit today to the German radio/TV station VIVA. They answered several questions from Roxette fans and said that the “Room Service” album might be released in America this autumn after some preparations have been made. “Formerly,” Per said, “we had problems with the record company in the U.S., now the problem is that we can’t promote everywhere (at the same time).”
Roxette indicated they have plans to release at least four of the “Room Service” songs as singles. They also said that they will visit Vienna, Austria for promotion.
When asked about their favorite Roxette song, Marie answered “’Perfect Day’… great song. By the way, it is very difficult to name one song as the best, but ’Perfect Day’ I like a lot.” “’The Look,’” said Per. “Great to have such a song… and ’Stars,’ many people said it is not good, too much techno etc., but I like it.”
After the VIVA music channel visit, Roxette continued on to the “Top of the Pops” RTL television studio where they guest hosted the show. On Saturday, Ricky Martin, Christina Aguilera and some other very famous stars will visit TOTP - so Roxette is in good company. TOTP is one of the most watched TV music programs after VIVA.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Per also mentioned on the show that the new site at will include a chat room, a forum, and a section where fans can “Ask Roxette.”
TDR reporter Steffen Foellmer also contributed to this article. - LEO