The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Sen kväll med Luuk.

4 replies

I am so sad, a person from TDR cheated me .
I‘ve sent him 2 of my fave videos to record for an other video, and I am waitning for my videos since january.

I doesn´t answer my mails.
Is here anyome who has the 2 interviews from
Sen kväll med Luuk? (1 Per ,1 Roxette )
They were my fave interviews and they were on one of the videos the person kept...
Help me if you can.

I have lot of articles in exchange.

[email protected]

the name of the guy?
i have the per video

What do you want in exchage?

tried to email u it didnt worked

Try again. I spelled wrong my e-post address.Now it´s ok.


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