Looking for jane video on Birthday
lawyer said on June 30, 2004 23:12:
Comment removed by author
coyboyusa said on July 3, 2004 12:49:
when did i say u could do nothign cuase u weren’t america? i was sayi s that why cant u just state something without it always being related to the war in iraq? we out of there so please shut up :)
P-p-p-pelle said on July 5, 2004 09:25:
My visit to the link above: All I got was a trojan horse virus! Booo!
coyboyusa said on July 7, 2004 12:29:
i never said there was nothbing bad about it there is always something bad about war but compared to the things other occupying forces have done toi citizens of countries i don’t see how u can truly make americans out to be viel evil ugly people. noone is infallible. and if everyone in iraq was hell bent on moving on and finding peace all the bombings would have stopped the day america legitmately pulled out fo iraq so once again stop sending us viruses and simmer down please
purplemedusa said on July 7, 2004 22:47:
Coyboy... I’m really starting to respect you’re comments! It seems that you’ve calmed down a lot (or is it just me reading them in a different context?) Anyways, Rox-on!!
G113 said on July 8, 2004 12:59:
first of all , i think its a really stupid video, but what gives you the freaking right to voice strictly YOUR opinion with Roxette’s Music ???????????????
What do you know? have you never thought that maybe per and marie are PRO war? Not everyone thinks like you dude, everyone has their opinions
put your own face behind your work and not theirs!
G113 said on July 8, 2004 22:39:
yeah whats wrong is wrong ... chemical ali wiping out a entire city..... sadam killin god knows how many people...... trust me, only god knows ! he lost count many many years ago.... not to mention all the people partying in the streets and tearing down sadam portraits and statues.... they didnt do that for no reason ya know, its called living under dictatorship ...
purplemedusa said on July 8, 2004 23:14:
G113... I think I speak for a great deal of ppl here that we are absolutely tired of these type of comments. Please note that you’re actions has been reported to the moderators.
In future lets focus rather on the things we have in common!
coyboyusa said on July 1, 2004 17:33:
oh christ now were using roxette to promote anti-war propoganda? per is rolling over in his beamer right now!