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marie's surgery

59 replies

has anyone heard how marie is doing since her surgery?

she´s doing fine, still under treatment and preparing a new solo album ;)

We hear... although we await the official announcement, if we ever getttttttttttttttttt ONE!

first, thank you for replying! did they find out yet if it was cancer or not?

I think she did have cancer because why would she have had surgery and on chemotheraphy?

I must have missed something. Surgery?

MiracleMan, are you serious? Have you ever heard that Marie have braintumour?

when i heard about it they wasn’t sure it was cancer or what treatment that she would get. i hope that she does well and gets better soon. i pray for her every night.

If I’m correct there’s some on articles on Marie’s health at

edit: nothing seems to happen there... but try & do a search on TDR frontpage... you’ll find all the info the rest of us are aware off!

erh.. you should just follow the link for the best wishes to read some of the translated articles, but yes, I am sure most of them are here too :)

purplemedusa- thank you for the marie link. i’m going to call a friend of mine in sweden to see if there is any new news over there.

I doubt someone in Sweden would have anynews besides it would have been on TDR! if there was any news.. this is the best place for all the info!

Of course I knew she’s had surgery quite some time ago, but as this thread was started a few days ago, I thought maybe I had missed something that had happened in the last week. Confusion solved.

sorry that i confused you miraclman. i just found this site a few days ago. my friend’s mom went to school with per’s brother bengdt and i thought she could find out something new for us. sorry if my spelling is off i’m feeding my baby.

@per4me: Welcome to this site!

Hello baby...

Yeah, when I first saw this, I thought something new had developed, but read first.

thank you harriej! that was very nice of you.

Per4me: It was confirmed that Marie’s tumour was cancer, and that she did chemotherapy and radiation. She did an interview about it in Aftonbladet when she won the award from the King of Sweden (if you search the TDR archives you might find the link, don’t know if it’s still there.) But we never found out what kind of cancer it was, or how serious it was. I’m trying to respect Marie’s privacy, but I think it just plain sucks that the fans have been shut out of everything, there’s been no message for years and we don’t even know if she’s ok.

whether or not if anybody thinks it sucks because they feel left out is a little selfish,marie is entitled to her own privacy just like you & me.please just give her the respect she dearly deserves.


to flower- i was’nt calling anybody selfish,all i said was that it was a little selfish ;0)

@ Mark, I think your wrong... I always respect the privacy... but this time I think it is a little wrong in not so much as having a statement from EMI about her health is rather rude... I was the first to say give her some space she’ll talk when she’s ready but.... now I think it would not take what 5 minutes to put an official statement togeather to say how she is...

I am the first person to defend Marie’s privacy, and for the first months after her illness I completely supported her decision to “hide away” and take care of herself. But come on now - it’s almost TWO years later, and there has been hardly any updates on Marie’s condition. Nobody is asking for the personal details, we just want to know that she is well, and if she’s not then I think it would be better to know the truth if she’s ill. I would hate to read in the paper that she died and I had not been given a warning it was that serious.

Absolutely Marie deserves her privacy but she is a public person and a lot of people care and worry about her. I think her fans at least deserve to know how she’s doing, just a message now and then to tell us she’s ok wouldn’t hurt anyone’s privacy.

I totally agree with you on that.... glad to know there are others out there that feel the same, there are plenty of fans feeling this, but perhaps to scare to say they are a little pissed off with not hearing anything on her health....

@ sparvöga: You spoke my mind!!!

RE- sparvoga, i can appreciate what your saying but i heard that she recovered but still has to take things easy,i understand marie is making a solo album.maybe marie is trying to put everything that as happened behind her & does’nt want to talk about it,lets just wait & see what the future holds eh!

it came to my mind the other day that i wonder exactly how long she had the tumor before they discovered it cause i notice she began to forget lyrics alot starting around the time of the cbb tour i wonder if thats anything significant? honestly i’d rather see her retire and be happy at this point

@ Mark, what you heard where just rumours.. nothing offical...

Coyboy: you may be right, I noticed on the Room Service tour she was forgetting lyrics EVERY night, and sometimes losing her balance and tripping over on stage. On the Äntligen tour, her bus driver said she was getting terrible headaches too. I wondered the same as you, if she already had the tumour years ago. It’s scary.

I just heard on the news that David Bowie just had a serious health scare. But he has already sent a message to the public about his illness, he’s not hiding!!!! I’m not criticizing Marie, I absolutely love her and support her but I wish she could understand that so many people are terribly concerned and worried about her, and just want to know that she’s ok. Like I said before, we don’t need to hear the details about her chemo or how many times she threw up, just how she is doing. I don’t think it’s asking so much.

I’m very uncertain about MARIE’s health. Til this discussion I thought that everything is OK. Anyway, on photos from Swedish newspapers’ articles MARIE looks really well. I believe that SHE is recording new solo album. Maybe when it will be released we’ll know more.

If Marie doesn’t want to talk about this, maybe we shouldn’t either. These discussions always gives me the creeps. Mainly because everybody is just taking a guess, and that’s why this topic started...but

If Marie doesn’t want to talk about this, maybe we shouldn’t either. Mainly because everybody is just taking a guess, and that’s why this topic started...but

If Marie doesn’t want..... and again and again...

Hope everything is okey!
Fingers crossed

Friends of mine have seen Marie recently, and she looks healthier, they say.

Edited to correct grammar. ;-)

and really, after reading what happened to Bowie, I wouldn’t compare it to Marie,... and as it has been said before, every artist/person is different, Anastacia chose to talk about it, Bowie as well, Marie chose not to, and?

This is absolutely NOT the case (read above :D) but what would you actually do if Marie wasn’t (totally) ok? I repeat that this is NOT the case..

Just a reminder that Marie/D&D did in fact issue statements at the time her illness was first discovered. And she did grant a phone interview with Aftonbladet at the time of the Rockbjorn awards last year saying she was taking her time, looking forward to releasing a new solo record in English. If that hasn’t changed, why send out a press release to say “That hasn’t changed!” How often should she send out such press releases? “I’m still taking it slowly, still taking it one day at a time” “Still working, don’t know when my album will be out” “Still moving slowly...” ?? Once a month? Once every six months? My point is that Marie hasn’t told us anything because there’s nothing new to tell. When her album is ready to come out, we’ll be the first to know. If she decides to retire from the music business altogether, we’ll be the first to know that, too. As they say, no news is good news... let Marie have time to NOT be a public figure for awhile.

david bowie had angioplasty for heart blockage thats very different

@ roxtexanet: exactly! :)

And we always get Per’s own “reports” every now and then... (And no bad news has ever come off of none of these.) So I’d agree: no news is probably the best news. Thing to do? Think positive everyone. Keep on thinking positive. Marie’ll be back when the time is right. Känna tro!


I absolutely agree that Marie has to rest and not be a public figure, I’ve said a few times that I don’t want private information and I don’t expect her to go on TV and do huge interviews. My point is that it would be nice for a few official messages now and then just to keep people informed. Yes, Per has made a few comments, but there hasn’t been anything official in quite a long time. Sure there were press releases in the beginning, but I’m talking about almost 2 years later and I know a lot of fans who are starting to get worried about the silence.

Like it or not, she IS a public person and therefore people are going to be interested and concerned about her health. As I’ve said before, a lot of fans are genuinely concerned about her and simply would like to know that she is ok (or not...) We’re not asking for a documentary with cameras following her to chemotherapy, or a tell-all book, or interviews every week. Just an *occassional* message to the fans from Marie or Dimberg would be nice.

A few people also mentioned Marie coming “back” and releasing a new album....I just want to say that there’s a difference between a comeback and a few messages. I don’t want her to come back before she’s ready. If it takes her 10 years to make an album, that’s just fine with me if she needs that much time for herself. I just wish she could understand that people are worried about her and a simple short message could help that!

>>Judith said:This is absolutely NOT the case (read above :D) but what would you actually do if Marie wasn’t (totally) ok? I repeat that this is NOT the case..

Jud: I can’t speak for others, but for me personally I would like to know if she was not ok. We had a prayer chain back when she was sick, I’d start that up again if she was not doing well. I think it would also be important to be prepared for the worst outcome - I think I said somewhere before it would be horrible to read that she didn’t make it and we didn’t know it was coming.

i’m pretty sure that if there was a reoccurrance of the cancer, there would be some kind of announcement, as was said news is good news. Cancer is a very slow recovery, years in fact and there is always the chance that it could come back, but what do people expect her to announce. “Marie is doing well” ” Marie is getting better”. We already get these statements from Per and others associated with the band. I see it as a good thing that you dont hear much about it, I’m sure if marie was seriously ill she would let her fans know. Just give her time to get her strength back and slowly record new music, then she will come back and surprise us all with a killer album to prove she is on top of the world again. I was reading an article today about david bowie saying that in the past quite often people who have been ill come back with the best album of their career because of their experience. All being well, this is what i really want to come from marie, but only when she is ready of course. Her health, family and personal happiness is much more important than any of us, and so it should be.

When saying “Marie’ll be back when the time is right”, I was rather referring to being back to be a public figure, not so much being back to her work and career. I do believe, and hope for, she’ll be back in this sense as well, of course, I believe that’ll happen, hopefully it will. But, even to being a public figure, be brought into the public’s attention, bring the public’s attention over you, this too has a right time to happen. And Marie is the one with the right to define it. I mean, obviously that I too long so much for something more than Per saying that “Marie feels ok”, as he did not long ago after all, but... Perhaps it is the case that there really is nothing more to add to such comment... And perhaps such comment really is the best news to hope for, at this stage, I mean, if there was something (and I mean either good or bad news, about whatever, Marie’s health condition, Marie’s career, just whatever) to know about, we’d for certain know about it in time, wouldn’t we? Do give some trust to Marie’s sensitivity then. Whenever there’s anything she feels as being important to mention, she will certainly mention it. I just don’t think anyone should assume any moment of silence as a sign of there being something being hidden. After all, it may be so for the sole reason that there really is nothing new nor relevant to mention at that moment. It may... As I said before, känna tro!

My “moto” in regards to this since September 2002: “To the mind: don’t speculate. To the heart: have faith.”

I think the reason that some of us are worried, is that we didn’t get all the information in the beginning. After the news of the tumour and the operation, everything went silent for a few months and we all assumed everything went well and the tumour was benign. It was stupid Expressen that broke the news that she actually had cancer, we never heard it officially until months later when she confirmed the cancer in an Aftonbladet interview after her royal award. So I do wonder if the public would be told if her cancer returned, or do we have to find out in Expressen again??

Anyway I think nobody is going to change their opinions so this discussion is probably going nowhere (Typical here at Smalltalk) As I’ve said all some of us want is to hear something official about Marie occassionally - Per saying “she feels ok” doesn’t really mean much to me. I’m always grateful to him when he says something, and for a long time he’s been our only “link” to Marie, but the things he says are vague and it doesn’t come from Marie directly.

Just a message - “Dear fans, thanks for your support, just wanted to let you know I’m still doing fine and taking it easy at the moment.” Every now and then. I think most fans would really appreciate that. It wouldn’t invade her privacy or take much of her time, and some worried & scared people would feel a lot better. Yeah yeah, it’s her decision, bla bla bla, I’m just saying it would be nice.

can i put this into perspective,over 2 years ago marie had a tumour successfully removed from her brain,marie then ’reportedly’ sued a newspaper for reporting some sort of rubbish about marie & this tumour,then she does a solo album,to me marie sounds as if she is well on the road to a full recovery.that’s my opinion only,i’m just looking on the bright side of things & i always will till i’ve read/heard anything different,i’m sure that in time there will be news on her development but till then i’m keeping my chin up


@ Sparvogamarie .... your right you can hardly have a discussion on here about these kinds of things, as there will always be someone who knows better...

lol @ ally

I myself never meant to say that it is to be taken as privacy invasive, to wish for a statement from Marie, from my humble point of view I myself don’t believe it is, and God knows how much I pray for that every day. A message, a picture, any single sign of live from (not about, from) Marie, God knows how much I too long for it. I do find it to be legitimate, such a wish from us. (And it sure would be more than nice to see it happen!) But just as legitimate, and this is what I’ve been trying to point out, just as legitimate is to be Marie’s wish to keep her intimacy either public or private to what extent she wants. I mean, everyone is different, everyone deals differently with things. For instance, Sparvogamarie, you mentioned the fact that we only got the confirmation of the cancer from Marie herself in that interview to Aftonbladet, long after reading about it in Expressen... But perhaps it was so only because that was the time when Marie felt it was right to tell about it herself? Perhaps she did so, came out and talked about it on that moment only, because it was only then when she felt comfortable enough to bring that bit of her intimacy to the public? As I was saying, everyone deals differently with things. We have to try to understand and respect it. I mean, if you ask me if I don’t worry for not hearing from (not about, from) Marie, I’d say I suffer with it!!... (And probably would be the first one to crack up and cry if all was to turn out bad news... I don’t even want to allow such thoughts to come to my mind!!... I’ve spoken my heart before - - no answers for the asking, no mercy for the aching, and I... swallowing the tears I cry...) But I have to try to understand and respect it. After all, and I know it is so, it is not my wish for a statement from Marie at any moment that has to prevail, it is before that Marie’s right to wish not to state unless or untill she feels like it. It just isn’t something anyone can force anyone else in order to happen. As I was saying above, she is the one to know and decide, to what extent she wants to share her intimacy with the public... or keep it private. I have to try to understand and respect it. And also, again I say it, I don’t think anyone should jump into assuming that her silence at any given moment should mean that something is not being told to us, nor that she is in some way ignoring us or leaving us out of anything. In the end, yes, Per is being, as you said, the link, from her to us, every now and then, something of which she is certainly aware of, and, even though many times vague, yes, yet never discouraging, his comments are certainly, at least I take them so, as official as it can be (after all he is not just someone else) and for as much as I always long for something more, I too am certainly grateful for his words every time and certainly put all my faith on him saying, for as few as it may seem, that Marie “feels ok”. And this is something I’ve also been trying to say. You mention people being worried and scared. Well, it sure never is easy to fight (even for the least try to fight) against feeling worried and scared, in such a situation as this. Still I say: keep your faith. Try not to let your fear for the worst rule over your hope for the best. Try to think positively. To take the signs (the absence of a statement from Marie, Per saying she is ok) as positive. (After all, these don’t necessarily have to be taken as negative signs, then why should they?) Känna tro. For as hard as it may be (and God knows how hard it is not to hear from her) känna tro. This is the much I can say. The much I’ve been trying to say.

Good point...

I agree with you 100% Sweepi. We have to try to think positive. Though after 2 years, it can become quite hard! Especially when there’s so much silence surrounding Marie, you can start to wonder what is happening and sometimes Per says worrying things, like Marie doesn’t think it’s worth it to continue with Roxette and stuff like that. Then I can become a bit scared, and I wish that Marie would contact us and let us know she’s ok.

It’s a hard time to be a fan, because unfortunately during this time Marie doesn’t really want much to do with her fans. We have to accept that, and I can understand her feelings but I wish she realised that 20 seconds of her time to write a small message would mean so much!

When did he say that she thinks it isn’t worth it continuing Roxette? Did I miss something?

Well, maybe she will appear at a Gyllene-Tider concert. Let’s hope for it!
I am pretty sure that she is fine and that she will be back in autumn with a great album.

Think positive!
A normal cancer recovery takes about five years (to be sure that cancer didn’t come back) - so there are three scary years yet to come! But:

Think positive! :)

See, Sparvogamarie, it is in such details such as this one, the single interpretation of a sentence, that thinking positive can help make the difference in the way ourselves react. :) Reading it again, Per did never say Marie doesn’t think it’s worth it to continue with Roxette. All he said was that he is working and hoping for Roxette’s return, double denied the chance of it at all being over, and concluded that such a step does, as obvious, very much depend on Marie, at this point, and only expressed his doubt, legitimate, that he doesn’t know if she thinks it’s worth it considering how much that would consume of her and the weight it would mean, in all senses, at this stage. Meaning, as I take it, that she of course will need time, and room, to take that step, if and when it is to happen. (And here I am to believe we may have a role to play. In helping strengthen her confidence to take such step, growing her motivation to go for it, showing the wish and appreciation for her yes. Unfortunately enough I’m not seeing it happening with such words like: “Wasn’t Per in some other group at some stage... started with R... :P” - - I speak for myself, God knows how much it hurt to read that... But then, that’s another story, anyway...) But never Per said Marie doesn’t find it worth it. If so, why then would he continue writing for Roxette? If there was no more Roxette in perspective, why would he go on doing it? He believes! Hopes and believes! He ended showing us that. Then why shouldn’t we too? :) This is what I take from Per’s words. Reading them positively, this is what I take from them. And it is that what can mean all the difference between getting scared and staying hopeful. Trying to take things positively. And also trying not to let our minds wonder too much about it. As I was saing before, no moment of silence has to lead us to wonder what is happening, as it doesn’t have to mean anything more than that everything is hopefully happening as well as always has been and should be. That has to be our hope. That has to be our faith. With or without her 20 seconds message. For as much as that would mean, and yes it would mean so very much, still our hope and faith have to keep high, we can’t have it depending on something as an absent message. (Let it best depend on the positive signs. As Per saying that Marie is ok just May last. :)) And I too believe that we may just get a new so much longed for “sign of life” *from* Marie hopefully during the GT tour who knows... :) Hopefully... Just go on believing. :) I never get tired of repeating it: känna tro! :)

This is the direct quote from Per:

*On being asked how Marie really is, Per replies that she’s OK, that he spoke to her the other day. “I don’t know if she thinks it’s worth it, a new take at Roxette will take a lot of strength and time.”*

Like Sweepi said, you can interpret that in different ways, but I thought it wasn’t such a positive statement. When I read that, I wondered if she’s still not feeling 100%, or if the experience made her reluctant to work again. If she wants to quit Roxette that’s ok with me, I’m not one of those fans who will slit their wrists if Rox are over, but I do care about Marie as a person and I want her to be happy and well. I know how much she loves her work, so to read that maybe she thinks it’s not worth it, then of course that’s not so good.

Anyway, she’s working on an album so at least we know she’s well enough to work, and I guess we’ll have to wait and see until it’s released and hopefully she’ll make a few appearances.


When I read this my thoughts where Marie does not want to be Roxette anymore, and lets be honest after what she has been through who could blame her for not wanting to take to the road again being half of Roxette, all the press etc asking questions and wanting pictures.. bla bla bla bla... it would stress her out, and we all know stress is the last thing she would need at the moment, or at anytime in the near future. There is a big different to making a solo album and promoting it in Sweden than going half way around the world as one half of Roxette.

I think after what she has been through, she will want to be as close to home as possible to spent time with Micke and the children. As many fans know Marie has always put her family first and I would imagine they take even more of her precious time up now.

I look forward to a new album from her, but I have many memories of being a Roxette fan for 13 years as it does not bother me in the slightest if they record a new album or not. I am happy with listening to the old stuff and tuning into Per, GT and Marie solo for the next 60 years! In my mind Roxette are over, the day I heard Marie got sick, and 2 years later without any official news I still think that. But of course this is what I think, and I can accept this.

What fans have got to ask thereself, is if you were Marie and had just has a brain tumour and you had a husband and 2 young children, would you want to return to a pop group to tour the world again promoting a new album etc....

Well said ally77.

For me I’m not to concerned if Roxette never record an album again. I have had 14 fantastic years and memories to cherish with Roxette and for me Marie’s health and what she wants rather then what I want as a fan is far more important. I want her to enjoy her family and her life because when you are dealing with cancer like Marie is you realise what’s important and I can tell you it isn’t recording a new Roxette album.

It would be nice if we could hear something ’official’ from her but I am in no way upset with Marie that she hasn’t. I’m sure she has her reasons whether good or bad but honestly if I was in her situation and was fighting to beat this disease then the fans as hard as it may be would probably be the last thing on my mind.


Hotblooded 7/18/2004 05:06

For me I’m not to concerned if Roxette never record an album again. I have had 14 fantastic years and memories to cherish with Roxette and for me Marie’s health and what she wants rather then what I want as a fan is far more important. I want her to enjoy her family and her life because when you are dealing with cancer like Marie is you realise what’s important and I can tell you it isn’t recording a new Roxette album.


I could not have put it anyother way.... your spot on there! :)

Absolutely agree with you Ally & Hotblooded. Actually I think Marie was a bit tired of Roxette before her illness, and now after the cancer she has decided to put her priorities in place and do only what is important to her. If Rox is too much for her then she should let it go. But I don’t think it means it’s the end for Roxette, her feelings may change in the future!

Anyway as I’ve been saying all along it’s not about Roxette, tours or new albums, Marie’s health is the important thing.

yeah i totally agree your statements & may i take this opportunity to appologise to ally,i know we’ve had our little differences but after reading those last posts i now see things through a different perspective,ie when you wanted marie to let her fans know how she was etc,hope there’s no hard feelings & let’s hope it’s not the end for roxette

ps-it was a pleasure reading your last posts on this subject (ally,sparvoga & hotblooded) keep up the good posts


Allow me to throw my .02 in here:

From experiences in the past (I work with at least 4 cancer survivors and a man who has conquered Hepatitis C and leads an active life and STILL drives bus): To be considered “cancer-free” requires 5 years. Very *RARELY* does someone come out of remission after that 5 year time. I see it as 2 down, 3 to go.

Brian, a supervisor over at our Light Rail Division (Trax), had 6 months to live. That was about 10 years ago. Not only does he look good, he helped me out when I was having troubles at work. He was a Union Representative.

Bob, a driver that I see on a daily basis (despite working out of different divisions), had prostate cancer and successfully underwent an operation and has been in remission for about 3.5 years now and has 18 months left on the 5 year mark.

Lonnie discovered that his tumors were benign and he’s back to work and still large and in charge.

I can’t think of the other one, but I do know that they are there.

Jess took a TON of time off of work because he needed the time to sleep and recover. Hepatitis makes you tired as well.

As for news about Marie, I’m split. On one hand, I’d like to hear that she’s okay. On the other, her privacy is most needed during this time.

@ Mark your welcome, I watched an old friend suffer with cancer, she learned to put her friend and family first when she was sick, it’s something you have to do...

@ Little Spooky... I agree with you also....

LittleSpooky said: Very *RARELY* does someone come out of remission after that 5 year time. I see it as 2 down, 3 to go.

That’s exactly why some fans are worried. I’ve seen a few people here say we’re paranoid or worrying too much, but the point is that cancer is a disease that may return. I did a bit of reading on brain tumours after Marie got ill, and I read some scary facts like certain brain cancers have a 80% chance of returning within one year, and a 98% chance of returning in the second year. So I don’t think it’s paranoia to wonder if that could happen to Marie!

Like Ally said, it’s friends and family that come first when you’re sick like that. I guess some of us fans just wish she thought of us as part of her family, even if only in a small way! Some celebs like Anastacia want to include their fans in their life (Anastacia made a documentary about her cancer for her fans), but like Jud said Marie is different and she chooses not to. Hopefully she’ll break her silence one day soon!


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