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two versions of d,b,u,g,t,t,c

29 replies

i was looking in a popular music shop the other day & i happened to notice a roxette album i never saw before untill i had a closer look at it & it turned out to be another version of “don’t bore us” but the only difference is that this newer version had spending my time on it,the cover is totally different aswell,can anybody tell me if this is just an imported version.

many thanx

There are 2 versions of DBUGTTC:

The “original” release, in: 1995 by EMI

And the “re-release” of DBUGTTC as a US release in: 2000 by Edel America Records

And, yes, it could be an import: As in you’re in another country and it was imported from the United States :o)

I have the “European” but in digipack.

I’ve got both versions and both have SMT on it.

sorry my fault,i meant to say c,o,y,h

the US edition has COYH on it, the European doesn’t.
The cover of the US-edition has a picture from the HAND-era > Per on the left, left hand in his pocket, right hand on his cheeck (like he’s wondering/thinking about ’hmmm’) while Marie is on the right wearing a kind of long jacket, you can only see her right arm and in her hand she’s holding two circles with 1 picture of Per and the other one of herself. The background is white and the word ’Roxette’ is coloured red and white.
Hope this helps!

Edit: the US edition was also released in some parts of Europe (for example in Holland)

LOL Mark, you’re obsessed with Spending My Time!!!! :DDDD

Or maybe the alcolhol is still doing its work (just kidding!).

The U.S. Edition was released worlwide... I can even find it here in Brazil.
This edition was meant to be released only by Edeil Records at the States, but EMI released it worldwide after all.

roxette recordings distributed it worldwide through emi distributors not emi itself

I’ve found it here in the UK.

Strange how EMI seems to be able to distribute an album all over the world that was originally intended to be a US-release only! How come they couldn’t get Room Service and the ATVEM+M DVD right? I eventually found them on CDWow - after 2 months of searching around every store i could!

“roxette recordings distributed it worldwide through emi distributors not emi itself”

I don´t think so... don´t know if Roxette Recording could do this. If so, why HAND and RS weren´t distributed in the U.S.?

For me, it was EMI that wanted to “uptade” the Roxette compilation that there was until then, and that´s why they released “DBUGTTC U.S.” worlwide. But, well, maybe I´m wrong?

Hmm, I don’t think the American version was released here in Germany, at least I never saw it in a store... so no worldwide release for us ;-)

I saw the new one in many stores here in Sweden...

The US version was released worldwide for one reason: to prevent imports from the US. Have never seen it in Germany or Spain.

Maybe they made tonnes of copies for it in the US, but it wasn’t selling... and the CD stores in the US wanted to sell them back to the distributors. And then EMI decided to just throw it on whatever shelves would have it!

They do that you know! I worked in a CD store... and, poor old Lene Marlin - I never seen so many CDs from 1 artist go back!!

well... wasn’t released in SA either & still dyin to get me hands on a copy!

ive got bloody hundereds of versions of this damn album....god only knows why ;)

RoxRard: No, the US-Version has the Edel logo on sleeve and disc, the world version the EMI logo.

It was released in Argentina at the same as in the US, they were many copies but now they’re gone, it’s very hard to find one nowdays... the other day I found a cassette.

Here’s a side-by-side comparison for those who are interested:

DBU 95:............................EDEL:
June Afternoon..................WICF
The Look..........................The Look
The Big L..........................SMT
Almost Unreal...................Almost Unreal
Vulnerable.......................You Don’t Understand Me

The liner notes are basically the same in that the comments by MF and PG about each song are there. But there are no lyrics reprinted in the Edel, and no intro page about Roxette. The Edel is a single sheet fold out, printed both sides.

theres also Japan edit and the title is
The Greatest

But “The greatest” isn´t a different edit of only another compilation, japanese exclusive.

they still sell cassettes in Argentina? I think that´s nice.

I loved Casette’s, they were so small and tiny - I always felt that I was buying something really close to the artist - like some sort of demo tape or something.

Shame no one really does that in the UK anymore though. The last Casette I saw was of Oasis’ “Heathen Chemistry” album, but I certainly ain’t gonna buy that... lol.

Yeah I like casettes way better then these “Compact Discs” (for many reasons too...)

I sometimes wonder if Iam the only person in the world (or at least the US) who has the ’Have A Nice Day’ album on offical casette tape (not a bootleg)

The cassettes are officially printed in Hungary or Poland as far as I know...

hmm, i have a old tourism cassette from poland, maybe 10 years old or so. And there´s a other version of THE RAIN on it, as on the cd i bought in germany. are there two versions of THE RAIN? the end of the song is different. Marie sings a lot more and powerful words on the cd track.

I bought both verson of DBU, I think neither of you here has the these two I have.
Both of them are Chinese releases. DBU 95 is one of the best Roxette’s CD that I have, a good lyric book, each songs and comments with Chinese translation.
I also have the cassette of DBU in Chinese release too, it is nearly the same to this CD.

I admit my later US-release DBU is a bootleg, anyway, it is still produced very well, with good packing and Chinese translation. It is also one of my precious one in my collections.

By the way, I like much better my country’s Roxette Release, I found each one looks better than the international release. Becasue ours often have two language, Chinese & English, printed on the cover. For example, the HAND in EU release and Argentina release seems to not have any difference, but Chinese release is obvoiusly different to these two. There is a paragraphy of Chinese introdution of Roxette on the back cover, which makes this CD a little special, so does Chinese Room Service.


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