aticle with MISTER PERSSON (MP)
djram said on June 9, 2004 07:32:
In Swedish magasine MM (Musiker Magasinet) there is a several pages long article about MP. He talks about his work with mister Gessle. There is a complete list of Titts and Ass equipment. And some nice pictures of the instruments.
djram said on June 9, 2004 09:27:
sorry! I have no scanner and i have not got the magasin, I saw it in the libary, i think it was the resent number.
check out the web page, look under intervjuer. its to the right on the page.
Ally87 said on June 9, 2004 09:32:
it’s the recent edition... there’s a little link on here but i *think* you have to buy access or something...
Ferdan said on June 9, 2004 07:42:
could you scan it? plz