Mazarin DVD - Translation
jpgr said on May 31, 2004 03:23:
Is there anyone who has a translation of the Mazarin DVD? Do you know where can I get it?
It would be great to understand what Per says.
Ok. I´ll be waiting for an answer!!
emilio said on May 31, 2004 13:16:
i can not understand any word of swedish or german but it would be great to have a traslation to English... then we can make it to spanish.... but It’s pretty hard to find a volunteer.
ktoto said on June 1, 2004 19:25:
It took me time to find it, but I succeeded at last, the link for the German translation is:;action=display;threadid=52...
I hope I get to understand a little more of it mixing my actual crappy knowledge of German and Swedish...
(Funny how I kept on writing hause instead of house in my English exam... learn a new language=corrupt the others you know...)
rox-girl said on June 1, 2004 20:41:
On this site you can translate lyrics from german to english
The tranlations are a little bit chaotically.
Bunio said on June 1, 2004 20:54:
so who can make it into english? :)
Maybe we could make subtitles like for the divx movies?
nessaja said on November 25, 2004 19:59:
Please, please, people, translate it into english! :)
I was trying to translate it from german, but it makes no sense!!!:((
Lurirox said on May 31, 2004 10:36:
If you know German you can search in
I’ve translated “Ta en kaka till” to German - you can find it somewhere on the site.
Don’t have the exact link at the moment...