gt sticker
ATLTK said on April 28, 2004 16:02:
does anyvone know anythimng about this Gt sticker does anyvone have it
CRIZ said on April 28, 2004 18:36:
You just need a PC, a scanner and a shop that produces such stickers! The Leif is from an old FC-Review.
ally77 said on April 28, 2004 19:37:
Your kinda obsessed with this whole promo thing ain’t you... :)
wonderful_balloon said on April 29, 2004 16:16:
Hej hej, it’ s me selling this sticker! It’ s not an official one. This is my creation! ;)
colinvdbel (moderator) said on April 29, 2004 17:32:
mmm it’fake i’d say....the only thing i know of (and have) are the button, the balloon and the bubble-soap??(bellenblaas in dutch)...and ofcourse the posters
Vixzter said on April 28, 2004 16:40:
2 big to stick in my car, not enough window space