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parkliv poster, scener poster

6 replies

i wondder if someone has a scener promo postr or a promo posster for parkliv I have seen 1 a few years ago

Yes I have both.

where can I get them?
I emailed someone called seriesamlaren about parkliv he said it didnt exist any ... ( he buys and sells movie posters)

I would NEVER tell you, “what can you expect from him”, wasn’t it??

I ´said so cause ¨
you are very sict to the forum rules that pp shall follow them but u dont do it yourself ... thats why i said so

i think there was a store in sthlm that had a parkliv-poster for sale a few months ago. think the price was 800 SEK

maybe “new” posters will come when the dvd comes? who knows?


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