The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Sharon Osborne?

6 replies

Silly question for the Swedes—I’m assuming it’s Swedish.

At the beginning of Det Som Var Nu, the people speaking (radio news presenters maybe?) at the beginning of the song—sounds like they say Sharon Osborne at some point, which I know isn’t the case—just wondering what, if it can be made out, they’re actually talking about before the heavy breathing begins.

Isn’t this pretty much Roxette related...?

Which is why I started it IN the Roxette forum. Just curious as to why it was moved.

Latest Rox song you heard on the radio?
Question: Mazarin DVD Sound Problems
Gothenburg capacity
No GT tickets to foreign people?!?
Title Error on RoxService
Or EVERY thread on ’I’ve got my tickets’... THAT isn’t Roxette related... SO they’ve got tickets for the concert... but it’s not Roxette related surely!?!

And all the other only REMOTELY Roxette related topics that belong in Off topic then if THIS one was moved!!
Not quite getting the thought process beyond why this isn’t Roxette related but people announcing they’ve got GT tickets is... JUST because the thought was of Sharon Osbourne... it’s STILL a question relating to a Marie Fredriksson song! GT goes, Marie doesn’t???
Hmm. Odd.

Damn edits... !!

Moderators—this thread has been replaced in the proper forum with an overtly Rox-related title. This one can be archived, deleted, slapped down, nuked off the face of the earth, or beaten until no lumps are present, then poured in a greased and floured 13x9 pan and baked in the oven at 350º oven for fifty-five (55) minutes to an (1) hour or until golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean or thread springs back when lightly touched in the center.

@ MiracleMan




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